Chapter Eight

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Today was the day.

Eliza's treatments were going to begin, going into New York Presbyterian once a week for her IV Gemcitabine chemotherapy.

She was incredibly nervous as she got ready to leave with Alexander. She tied her hair back in a low bun while looking at the hallway mirror near the front door, a few strands of hair falling out due to her unsteady hands.

She and Alexander planned her treatments for Saturday mornings so that he could come with and then bring her home to take care of her. The doctor warned them that she would probably sleep most of the day after and she'd probably continue to get sick due to the drugs being put in her body to help cure her cancer. It made the most sense to them for him to be able to come with and then help out over the weekend before he returned to work.

Alexander's stomach was in knots. He didn't want to see his wife hooked up to machines or wait for her to finish radiation therapy. He could only hold on to the idea that the doctors, nurses, and medicine were all working to help her be healthy.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked Eliza, slipping on his winter coat and grabbing the car keys off the ring next to their front door. He picked up her coat as well, looking at her as she walked towards him.

She nodded as he helped slip the coat around her as well.

The car ride there was silent, without their usual musical theatre playlist blaring through the speakers with Eliza belting at the top of her lungs. Alexander would usually sing along with the songs, though he wasn't as big of a Broadway fan as Eliza was. She would dramatically dance along and act out the songs, which always caused him to laugh.

But today there was none of that. Alexander's eyes were on the road, silently making sure that he was making the right turns to the hospital. Eliza had a small pillow with her held up to the side of the door, her head resting on it while she was in a state between awake and asleep.

Her mind drifted off to what was to come, and she couldn't say a word. Not until they got to the hospital, at least.

They parked the car and headed inside, Eliza's shaky hand holding so tightly on to his that he thought she might break it. He let her hold on knowing that it was probably her way of finding comfort for her nerves.

"Elizabeth Hamilton," she told the lady at the front desk when she arrived.

The receptionist gave her a sympathetic smile and checked her in. A lump caught in Eliza's throat as she signed her papers, sweat beginning to bead off of forehead.

Eliza joined Alexander in the waiting room, choosing the chair next to his and placing her head in the crook of his neck. He turned and placed a chaste kiss on her temple, feeling her cool skin under his lips.

"I'm scared," she whispered, feeling her heart begin to beat faster inside her chest.

"I am too," he admitted, holding back tears. "You're going to do so good, baby. You're so strong."

Eliza bit her lip to control her own tears. Even though this was the hardest thing she's ever had to do, Alexander's love was making it much easier. She took a few deep breaths, controlling her emotions.

"Elizabeth?" her nurse called.

They both stood up to follow the nurse.

"My name is Amy, and I'm going to be your nurse every Saturday," she introduced herself. "Do you go by Elizabeth, or is there another name you prefer? We're going to get to know you very well and want to make sure you're comfortable."


"That's a pretty name," Amy complimented, trying to both make small talk as well as get to know her patient. "Who do you have with you?"

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