Chapter Twenty-Three

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Their little lion didn't stay so little forever. He was a quickly growing boy, and a smart one too. He was ahead of the curve with most developmental steps than most babies, and he even took a few steps at only eight months old. He had said dada just the other night, which made Alexander and Eliza happier than they'd care to admit. Eliza was just waiting for the day he'd say mama, and she would be content.

To say Philip had stolen their hearts would be an understatement. Eliza would wait all day to come home to her baby, thinking about the way he would always gasp excitedly, wave his hands in the air, and screech when he would see her after a long day away.

Alexander was much more focused on his work, but that didn't stop him from looking at the picture of Philip at his desk every once and a while and wonder how he was doing or what he was doing while he and Eliza were at work.

"Hi, my baby!" Eliza said in her baby voice and smiled as she came home from work.

And so eight month old Philip did his normal routine, even when being held by his grandma. His arms reached out excitedly, and he started giggling. He began to gurgle and babble as his mother reached out to pick him up and then set him on her hip. Philip leaned up and puckered his lips, Eliza happily agreeing to give him a few kisses as he placed his head on her shoulder.

"He was very good today," Eliza's mother said as she began packing her things. "He even ate all of that food you said he doesn't tend to like. He's been playing all day; I'm sure he'll sleep well for you tonight."

"And Milo wasn't too annoying today?" she asked, laughing at how picky their first baby was getting.

Milo was starting to get extremely picky, which Eliza thought was because he was jealous of all the attention Philip was now getting. Milo would always wait next to his food meowing until someone turned the light on for him, and then would proceed to finally eat his food. He was also getting picky at how full his bowl was, meowing if he even saw the littlest bit of the bottom. He wouldn't shut up until someone refilled the bowl, or at least covered the little bit that was showing.

"He only starting crying once because he needed new water. Other than that, I left the light on all day, and he just slept around," her mom smiled. "He kept sniffing at Philip when he was playing on the floor, which was the most hilarious thing to Philip. Milo really hasn't gotten used to Philip yet, hasn't he?"

"Not at all. But Philip sure loves that cat. That poor, poor cat."

Eliza chuckled again. Philip would often grab the cat in curiosity, loving Milo's soft fur, and thankfully Milo hasn't bitten the baby. The amount of times that poor cat had been grabbed at with grubby baby fingers was astounding. It was a wonder that Milo hadn't hissed or even began to dislike Philip.

"I better be going. It's my night to make dinner, and your father wants lasagna," Eliza's mother said, grabbing her sweatshirt before heading out of the door.

"Thanks mom," Eliza said as she watched her mother walk out to her car. She helped Philip wave goodbye and blow kisses at his grandma as she drove away.

Eliza went back into the house, carrying Philip to the living room. She set him down on the floor, watching him pick up the toys and hand one to her. He stood up, taking two steps towards her before tumbling, his hands reaching to grab her legs.

"Thank you, buddy," Eliza praised, taking the toy he offered and standing him up so he could try walking again.

She began to prepare dinner for her and Alex, and Philip's own separate dinner. She kept an eye on Philip as he continued playing with his toys, making sure he wasn't getting into anything he wasn't supposed to.

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