Chapter One: Gathering

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It was a bright and sunny day in New York, with clear skies as well as a soft breeze. The mid-June air felt wonderful on the skin of the nations, allowing them to relax some. Most of them had arrived at the conference hall already and were waiting for the few stragglers. Germany was busy trying to keep an eye on Italy and Prussia, which he was failing at. Spain and Romano were sitting next to each other, discussing where they were going to lunch. All the Nordics were gathered in their tiny squad, talking quietly about the mystery letter they received. Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Russia all were huddled together. The odd thing was Belarus and Russia being unusually tame toward each other. Japan and China were bickering playfully about what the news was, both taking bets. Canada, France, and England were worried about having received such an ominous letter concerning Alfred. After a few minutes of waiting, Hungary walked in with a worried expression on her face.

Now you might be wondering what the letter said, well it went like this. In a white envelope with a red wax seal laid a letter written in English.

Dear __Nation's Name__,

Seas change tides from which the wind blows,

One amongst you holds secrets a mere few know,

The young America must be brought to light,

Meet in New York to reveal his full sight.

He fights for good yes that's correct,

But there is plenty about him you don't know yet,

His pain, his sorrow, his love his strife,

Learn and seek all so he may be born a new life.


The Star Angel

(Totally freaking wung that XD )

"Vell, now zat everyone is here, ve may start!" Germany yelped, everyone, taking their seats, "jou all received that eerie poem about America, ja?" everyone nodded.

"Fredka has his secrets, why must we pry on his personal life?" Russia asked seriously, no smile on his face.

"Hai I agree with Russia-san. America-san has never done anything to reave suspicions for us," Japan also said neutrally.

"My big brother and Japan are correct, Alfred has never been foul or dishonest. So why must we invade his life as the letter suggest?" Belarus also defended Alfred, which surprised the few nations, not in the loop. Lithuania, Canada, and the Nordics all nodded.

"But what if that git is doing something to hurt himself?! He might need help!" England exclaimed. France nodded rapidly before Romano scoffed.

"That bastard is capable of moving a train with his own bare hands! What would he need us for?" Romano was also in the loop of Alfred's secretive personal life and didn't like the other nations poking their noses where they didn't belong.

"Vell I zink Alfred deserves to keep his skeletons in his closet, the kid hasn't done anyzing vrong," Prussia added quickly, making Hungary nod.

This was weird: Belarus and Russia being civil? Hungary agreeing with Prussia? Romano defending America? They were all freaked out, what did it mean? What secrets did Alfred have? Well, they didn't have time to think before the Earth began to shake and a bright light shattered the glass windows. They all took cover under the table, the shaking stopped a moment later. They all crawled out from the table once they thought it safe, to see time frozen. The Earth had stopped, all time stood still.

"Ve! There's a-book on the table!" Italy shouted, and Denmark being closest snatched it. Opening the hefty piece of work he read the first page.

"Before you read, there are a few rules. One, some nations in this room are aware of these secrets. You are NOT to berate them. Two, Ivan is touchy when it comes to Alfred so be careful how you speak of him. Three, the things in this book are nothing but the truth. Some topics may be sensitive or sad. Four, and this one is important! You may only confront Alfred AFTER you get permission from his husband. And YES Alfred is married. You'll find out soon enough! - The Star Angel" Denmark finished. They all took a deep breath, going to the next page. Denmark handed the book to Canada.

"One. Children" Canada went pale, this is what he was afraid of.


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