Chapter Thirteen: His Worst Fears

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Russia and China returned to the meeting room where most nations were still dazed from the entry. France kept mumbling apologies, Finland was rocking back and forth being cradled by Sweden, Germany was trying to come back to reality but failing, Spain was still empty eyed, and poor Canada had passed out in Gilbert's strong arms. Gilbert noticing the entry of the two nations calmly and gently shook Canada awake. The Baltics managed to calm down, and Ukraine was trying to hold back Belarus from throwing her knives. Italy and Romano just embraced each other, scared for their friend's life. Russia sat down clutching his ring, gulping down what no doubt would be loud sobs. China sat next to Japan, who's empty orbs managed to get more lifeless. Hungary had gained back most of her composure, so she picked up the book. She just wanted to finish this, she wanted to help Alfred. She always viewed Alfred as a little brother, especially because of how close he was to both Italy and Prussia. To know how he truly felt broke her heart, so she needed to be strong. You have to be stronger than the person you want to help in order for it to work. She cleared her throat, making the others look. They all nodded at the same time, everyone now listening.

"Thirteen. His Worst Fears. America may seem to be playfully scared of things such as horror movies and ghost, but those aren't his true fears. After all, his powers make working and seeing the paranormal very easy. Alfred interacts with spirits on a weekly basis, and he just uses the horror movie fear as an excuse for cuddles. His fears are actually deeper than that, way deeper. He puts up false fears to make others feel needed. His true fears might actually surprise you.

His first fear is war. Yes, you read right, war. Alfred despises conflicts despite his nation always managing to get into them. He hates seeing countries who once loved each other or were very close friends turn to hate and resent the other's very existence. He witnessed it with his colonizers, England and France. On the rare visits to England that Alfred took, he always saw France and England together. They slept in the same bed, tucked him and Canada in, cooked meals with each other, and even cuddled with one another. So when Alfred realized they hated each other not soon after his independence was won, he figured out what happened. England and France drifted apart because of war, the men he grew up with and witnessed love each other now despised the other's presence. He then knew that war caused his family to split, and actually blames himself for it."

France and England looked at each other in horror. Alfred blamed himself for their breakup when it was actually their governments that enforced it. France felt even more guilty, he needed to see America right away.

"His second fear is being hated. Alfred fears the fact that some of his comrades might actually hate him. Alfred just has the mentality that HE is the one that needs to fix things about HIMSELF, and doesn't understand when people say that it's the other person/nation's fault. Alfred does anything to be on a nation's good side, mostly doing chores for them or favors. During the French Revolution, he sent Francis many gifts and letters to let France know he'd still be by his side. After not receiving a single reply, Alfred sailed to France out of his own free will and actually saved Francis from jumping from a building. He continued to stay with Francis, and wait on him hand and foot. He wanted France to like him after his government remained neutral. France, being blinded by the pain and hate of his people, simply just criticized and insulted anything Alfred did. Alfred would sometimes go days without rest while caring for him, even one time brushing his hair and humming lullabies for ten hours while he was having a panic attack. No matter what Alfred did he was just scolded more, so he eventually left. He felt like a failure and was too afraid to contact him until World War I.

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