Chapter Eight: His Secret Talents

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Russia, England, and Canada eventually went to the cafe for lunch. The two family members having sick smiles painted on their faces while Russia was smiling nervously.


"Russia you pervert! Delete that album right now before I stuff that phone up your arse!" England yelled as he held down the larger man. Canada was trying to grab the phone, but Russia kept it right by his erect penis so Canada had some qualms about touching it.

"Nyet! He's my husband! I should be able to have them, da?!" Ivan squealed as Matthew punched his gut and snatched the phone. Matthew proceeded to try the password, which was 'America' and scroll to the photo app. He then held Russia's finger down and typed the numeric password '4476'

"Say the voice code!" Canada demanded while England still held him down. Ivan shook his head, but Arthur snatched a wad of his hair.

"You better say it you bloody twat! Before I smash your large nose into the tile!" England yelled coldly. Ivan shuttered and gulped.

"Fredka," he said softly, the phone beeping in recognition. The album opened up and Canada dropped the phone in shock. Arthur picked it right up, his nose spurting blood. The very first photo was the one the book was talking about, with the ropes and a ball gag. They proceeded to scroll and see more photos, nearly dying of blood loss as they came across a picture of Alfred passed out in a broken bed covered with semen.

"Geez Russia, you two don't fuck around. Wait, probably shouldn't word it like that," Canada said blushing as he kept looking. Arthur was red with anger, but also with embarrassment.

"Delete it Canada! Delete the album!" he screeched when he saw a picture of Alfred on his hands and knees. Canada deleted it immediately, dropping the phone in front of Russia. The two nations then ran out, leaving Russia stunned. But he smirked, picking up his phone.

"System override the previous command. Restore. Memory box 5.8 of two minutes," the phone beeped loudly and the album was restored in a second. Russia built his phone with Alfred like this, in case their bosses ever wanted to check their phones. The album of pervy photos was back, and Russia slyly smiled, "if I go back to the room like this they'll know. I'll act nervous," Ivan walked out.

The nations all began to chow down on the food that was made, laughing at the previous entry of Alfred's kids. Some of the nations like China, Italy, and France, wanted to meet them. The other knowing nations looked at Ivan, seeing as it would be his and Alfred decision. Ivan gave them a 'we will see' and left the matter at that. Once the food was finished, they all began to clean up. This time Russia and Romano cleaned the dishes, England and France cleaned the table, Canada and Prussia swept the floor, and Sweden and Finland fixed the table. The nations came back to the hall and sat down.

"Ze awesome me vill read!" Prussia exclaimed happily, picking up the book. The entry about his nieces and nephews made him so happy, he was swelling with pride.

"Bruder, calm down vill you!" Germany yelped, as Prussia had just yelled in his ear. Prussia rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.

"Eight. His Secret Talents. America isn't known for much to nations who don't know his true self. To them, he is nothing but a stupid, selfish, pig. But America is actually filled with surprises that would stun even the most stubborn of countries. His talents exceed most expectations, but he is very modest and humble.

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