Chapter Twelve: His Scars

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Sorry, it's been forever. I worked the long shift the past week and this weekend we stayed open late because of the heatwave. I was outside in 104 degree weather for SEVEN HOURS, and honestly, I was just so freaking exhausted. Not to mention that on Saturday there was a car accident so I had to take an HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF DETOUR to drive my brother's girlfriend to work! (Side note that my brother's girlfriend knew the boy in the accident, who is now fighting for his life because he was on a motorcycle and collided with a car) Also, my college work has been stressful since my financial aid forms still haven't been approved and the deadline is next week. My broke ass can't afford 2,000 dollars for courses, PLUS supplies like books and shit... So, yea... Pretty busy week...



Morning finally rolled around, some of the nations having gotten no sleep. England and France had red, puffy eyes from crying, and neither of them groomed themselves. France didn't bother combing his hair and hardly ate his breakfast. The same was said for Canada, Finland, and Russia. None of them had an appetite after reading last night's final entry. The only ones that seemed ok were Germany and China, but even they were internally screaming. They all ate in complete silence, no one had spoken once. They were all terrified, they were scared to read any more. Canada teared up and was embraced by Prussia. Prussia was also crying a tiny bit, he hated that Alfred felt the need to hide such pain. He's been through tyranny from his own government, after all, he was albino and left-handed. But never had he known the betrayal and fear Alfred felt, a boy who was centuries younger than him. The chores were done in silence as well, and finally, everyone had gathered in the meeting hall. Finally, a voice.

"Who will read today, aru?" China asked, his voice a little hoarse. He knew Alfred's pain of a family member's betrayal, but China felt sympathy towards Alfred. He was a mere child in the eyes of many nations, yet he suffered so much pain. What else had this boy done for them? Why would he do this? What other secrets is he hiding?

All those questions soon would be answered.

"Vell, I guess I could read. Any objections?" Germany asked as he grasped the thick book. Everybody shook their heads absently. Everyone's mind had the same question.

How much longer must we suffer here before we can fix him?

"Germany, mon ami, please just read" France replied, fixing the messy blonde mop of hair on his head. He regretted not grooming it, but he was too tired to care about his looks. He just wanted this to end, he wanted to know what else Alfred had hidden from him. France was a very protective father over Canada, yet paid zero attention to Alfred. He insulted him, criticized him, at one point even loathed him. Alfred always smiled, he was always so happy. A memory flooded the Frenchman, something that he now regrets.

"America you selfish brat! How could you not 'elp me?! Even after I aided jou for jour independence! Are jou zat conceded?!"

"Francis, I can't! I'm still yo-"

"Save it! I do not want to 'ear jou!" France turned his back to America and began to storm off when America caught his sleeve.

"Papa listen to me! My country is still young and my government is still trying to figure things out! You know I care about you and that I will always support you! But right now it's just hard! Please just try to find a slither of reason papa!" France pushed America back into a wall, a deadly glare in his eyes.

"Do not call me zat. I am France, jou 'ave no right to call me 'papa' Consider our alliance and family broken. Jou pathetic, selfish, ignorant child!" France stormed out and slammed the door. He never looked back, but if he did he would have seen the honest look of hurt in his son's broken and bleak blue eyes. The eyes that dulled the moment France disowned him and tore him out of the family he always loved.

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