Chapter Five: His Dangerous Jobs

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Ukraine sighed, the others centering themselves before sitting down. England was clutching something in his hands, France the only one able to see what it was.

A tiny red ribbon

Alfred's tiny red ribbon.

When Finland, France, and England first met America he was very little. He and Canada were wearing white dresses with silk, red ribbon on the neckline. Once the boys grew too big for flowy gowns, the two empires stored away the old rags. But they both kept the ribbons in their pockets at all times. It was a secret only Spain and they knew of, and they don't tell anybody the significance of the ribbons.

Ukraine looked around, seeing her brother finally having calmed down.

"Five. His Dangerous Jobs. America has had multiple jobs in his 250-year life as a nation. A 450-year life in you count the time before he was found. But no nations know the wide expanse of jobs America has had, being for fun or for a greater purpose. Some jobs he has had were completely harmless, such as selling balloons at a zoo back in the late '30s or working as a host at a family diner in the '50s. Other jobs, well. They basically craved death and destruction.

One dangerous job that Alfred did for fun was street racing. Having made his own custom car he built with his bare hands, Alfred's racing machine was virtually unbeatable. It looked like a Mustang, with the hood being an American flag and the rest was a bright red. He named the car "Liberty" and took great care of it. He always tuned it, tweaking little bits of it every Sunday until it was fast enough for his liking. It was a rare easter egg kind of car, one that could easily break 400 miles per hour. Since you use metric, that's 635 kilometers an hour. The races would often be a whole ordeal, with self-employed pilots to check for police. You may ask why that is, well. It's because street racing was ILLEGAL in America. Even in today's time, America's car wouldn't even be allowed in his own borders. America always won his races, and since they were underground earnings he was able to keep the money without the government knowing or taxing them. His racing days came to a swift close after an accident. He was racing his well-known rival, Mac, across a long and deserted bridge. The two of them had wagered their winnings from their last race, which was over a million US dollars when combined. Right when Alfred was about to take the lead, Mac clipped his car. This caused Liberty to get air and flip continuously before tumbling over the bridge and into a steep embankment, pinning itself in the river below. America stopped after that, mostly because of the wrecked car and the fact a human would have died. He has a gash mark on his lower back from the accident, but it is barely visible nowadays. America eventually repaired Liberty, but now she just sits in his garage with all of his luxury cars. America will still drive her, but since the accident, he has never raced"

(This is my own personal headcanon that Alfred was a street racer. I just feel like that's something he would do)

The crowd of nations was very quiet, signaling Ukraine to continue.

"Alfred has done legal jobs that have posed threats as well. Not only has America fought alongside his soldiers in every war, but he also trains them. His last tour was to Iraq three years ago, where he witnessed a whole truck of his soldiers run over a bomb and get blown to bits. One of these soldiers' names was Anthony. He was a twenty-eight year who got deployed two weeks before the birth of his first child, a little girl named Katie. America's heart sank at the thought of the girl growing up without a father, so when he returned home he gave the mother the bad news. He offered her a hug and handed her his business card. He visits her every so often to check up on Katie and acts like a father to her and a hero to her mother. America attended all of the funerals of the soldiers who passed, and gives money from his own pockets to the families"

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