Chapter Fourteen: His Human Friends

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First off, wow! 3k VIEWS?! Thank you all so much!!!!!!!

Second, apologies from being away for so long! Work has been tiring, plus my home life has been a tiny bit stressful (house hunting ain't easy when the bank takes forever to tell you how much you got) AND college isn't helping the building anxiety, like bitch I don't got 2,000 dollars to spend on top of other expenses like notepads, binders, and books.

Seriously though, I smoked CBD for the first time (which is not marijuana and is safer ((to my job since it doesn't show on a drug test)) to consume) My cramps (thank you womanhood), anxiety and stress have been a deadly concoction from Hell.

Thank you for reading that small rant, NOW ON WITH THE FANFIC!


(also, I have never seen Hamilton. DON'T KILL ME! But the fandom is huge and oddly enough combined very well with Hetalia. There are some HISTORICAL RIVALRIES mentioned but know that anything tying to 'Hamilton' is a mere coincidence)


Nobody hesitated, Germany quickly picked up the book from the table. He cleared his throat, readying himself. Everybody's heart was pounding at this rate, they were all afraid of what the end was holding. Their foreheads began to sweat, and all of the nations were breathing quickly. Germany finally spoke.

"Are ve all ready?" Germany asked, taking in the sight before him. Everybody was quaking, even Norway and Belarus. Italy held Germany's hand, making the normally stoic and stern nation look at the trembling brunette.

"What if it's too late? What then, ve?" Italy's question only prompted panic, making the room's air grow thick. Germany remained stone faced, but you could tell he was afraid to know the answer.

"We won't be. Now read, Germany" Russia said coldly, giving a glare to the little Italian. Italy clung to Germany's arm in defense, scared for his life now. Russia wasn't smiling at him, he wasn't even stone faced. His mouth scowled and his eyes pierced Italy's soul. How dare he ask such a question! "You heard me, da? Read" Germany gulped, shivering under Russia's protective spousal gaze.

"Fourteen. His Human Friends. Alfred has been known to befriend just about everybody he meets. He just has that way about him. He's friendly, kind, funny, compassionate, and proudly loud. He never judges someone for their decisions or past, and always tries to see the good in everyone. He has that bright energy around him, an aura of warmth and comfort. He also is a big hugger and is consistently being optimistic about things. So is it any wonder that throughout his life he's made a plethora of friends? Some of them were not even from his country! Alfred has been friends with some very strange people, and these stories will be consisting of the humans that had a great impact on him, or vice versa.

First, why don't we start with a group most of you know? George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson. These three men were the foundations to America's future, but America saw them as his understanding father and crazy uncles. There were multiple nights when George and Alfred would stay up staring at the stars while the revolution was in full swing. George was a very intelligent man and knew right from meeting Alfred that he wasn't an ordinary boy. Taking him under his guiding wings, George enrolled Alfred in college and hired tutors to teach him piano, flute, harp, and violin. George and his wife took care of America while they were alive, and acted like the parents he severely lacked as a colony.

Now, where do we begin with Hamilton and Jefferson? Well, the two constantly bickered with each other. Both of them thought they were in the right, knowing what was best for America. The nights the three men and Alfred stayed up were oftentimes the funniest for them. George and Alfred would watch Hamilton and Jefferson spat insult and comeback for hours, it gave them a good laugh. One night not even a few months after the ending of the revolution, Jefferson and Hamilton were arguing about political parties.

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