Chapter Fifteen: His Core

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Now understand that I debated for a long time whether to make this another sad ending or a happy ending. But, I did choose in the end. Let me know if you want an epilogue chapter! *Cackles evilly*


All the nations saw a white glow surrounding them, a strong breeze picking up as England's and Norway's hands glowed. The two looked up at the same time, their eyes turning completely white and glowing.

"Tak sami gor jut, kig pol numa de ra sama! Fala murt pija tor nimu! Maska, Maska, Maska!"

(total bullshit just so you all know, so don't even bother with translate lol)

The wind picked up, and the white glow got brighter through the broken windows. Until finally, cracking could be heard. The other nations looked around them, clutching each other's hands tighter as the room was beginning to dissolve into white cracks. Finally, a shatter rang through the entire room as the meeting hall exploded into white nothingness.

The wind died down, and the nations were in a state of limbo. England and Norway collapsed, out of breath and sweating from the powerful spell. France and Spain helped up England while Iceland and Finland helped up Norway. Italy and Romano had both been frightened by the power of the spell, and both were clinging to each other. Germany was holding onto Hungary, whose legs were wobbly. Prussia and Canada had clutched each other close, not wanting to look at the blank surroundings. Ukraine and Belarus had latched onto Russia, and the Baltics held each other close. China and Japan were still shaking a bit.

"Where are we?" Latvia asked, looking around. The land was white and empty, their voices echoing off its dormant space. Denmark walked around, trying to feel for a wall or something. Sweden and Japan did the same. England finally caught his breath, taking in the background.

"It would seem we are in some kind of limbo. But, I do not understand! The spell was supposed to show us Alfred's core!" England yelled, angry and confused. That's when they heard a feminine chuckle.

"Tsk, tsk. You were always so impatient Arthur. The spell only took you so far, as I stopped you from reaching it"

"That... voice..." Canada whispered, tearing up. The voice he heard in his happiest memories, in his most pleasant dreams, and in his most horrifying nightmare. "Mama?"

A figure appeared in front of them, a beautiful woman. She had the deepest caramel tan that would put Brazilian's to shame. Her ebony hair was down to her butt, flowing like there was wind in the air. Her eyes were deep chocolate, with speckles of forest green. Her figure was flawless: she was six foot tall, had a large bosom, wide hips, thick thighs, muscular arms, and a sculpted face. Her dress was white buckskin, with gorgeous blue and red beads lacing the collar. It covered up to her mid calf, with a leather belt tying it off at the waist. She had on furry white moccasins and a feather headband. Canada began to cry, slowly letting go of Gilbert. The other nations shared glances, wondering who was the gorgeous woman. China feelings a sense of familiarity, while the Nordics simply nodded to her.

"Come here Kanata. Do not cry," she opened her arms, a warm smile gracing her face. Canada felt more hot tears sting his shimmering amethyst eyes. Running to her, he smiled.

"Mama!!!" he yelled before hugging his mother tightly around the waist, "Mama! Oh, Mama, I missed you!" Canada nuzzled his face into the nip of her neck, taking in her smell of fresh and clean river water and wildflowers.

"You all must know who I am now. My name is Catori or Star Angel. I am Native America, the mother of Canada and America. I have brought you all here, as all of you have a great influence on Maska. Especially you, Mr. Russia" Native America was so calm and tranquil, it was scary. They all wondered where Alfred got his loud fighter spirit from.

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