Chapter Eleven: His Other Brother and Child Problems

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This, dear readers, is when the shit will hit the fan. The next few chapters will be triggering, and I suggest reading at your own risk. This chapter won't be that bad, but the next chapter well... I'm sorry in advance... I will put trigger warnings for really triggering chapters!

Trigger: Civil War (insanity I guess?) and whipping


When the two returned from the bathroom, Russia was clearly elated. His member was attached to himself again, and it was clear by the bulge in his jeans. Before it was flat and baggy, but now it had something to fill that void. They sat back down, Spain snatching the book happily. He was still a bit giggly from before but quickly composed himself.

"Are we ready amigos?" Spain asked, making everyone nod. However, he saw Canada trembling a bit. He cocked his eyebrows and looked at the shaking boy, "mijo, are you alright?" At this France, England, Finland, and Sweden looked at Matthew. France and Finland were up in an instant and comforted him. Prussia got up and sat his lover on his lap.

"Birdie? Vhat's za matter?" he asked, rubbing the back of Mattie's head.

"I just have a feeling in my gut something bad is going to happen. What's the title of the chapter?" Canada asked Iceland peaking into the book.

"It says 'His Other Brother and Child Problems' what does that mean?" Iceland asked Canada shook his head.

"I don't know. Just read please, Spain" Canada cuddled into Prussia more as Finland pet his head and France massaged his hands. Spain nodded and cleared his throat.

"Eleven. His Other Brother and Child Problems. Now, everyone knows of Canada and Mexico as America's brothers. Which they are. All of Spain, France, and England's children/colonies are what he considers family. He even counts Portugal and England's brothers as uncles and Brazil as a cousin. The Nordics are also people he considers family, and his country friends (Japan, Hungary, Lithuania, Prussia, Romano, and Belarus) too. But none of them know that at one point, there was another brother. The only people who were aware of his even existence were America's children. His name was Buck Niel Jones, and he represented the Southern government during the Civil War.

Alfred knew about Buck before his birth, he knew that his country's economy in the South versus the North was vastly different. His land in the North was big in factories, manufacturing, and man made production. While the South focused mostly on agriculture and crops. They were considered equal as Europe was highly dependent on America for everything. He had expected Buck to just be born and show up at his door. However, it was even more complicated than that. Buck was actually born from Alfred's blood after a wound was inflicted on him during a fight. The fight was with an old plantation owner, who was extremely racist.

Alfred was visiting the farm as a diplomat from the Northern government and was actually talking the owner's son Clayton. When he heard the old man yelling, both of them rushed out to see him yelling at an eight year old black girl. She had gotten blood on the cotton she was farming, and was trembling in fear. Alfred immediately stepped in and interfered, calling the old man lazy and saying if he thinks it was a horribly done job to do it himself. This made the bitter man angrier and he instantly brought out a whip, calling Alfred disrespectful. Alfred shielded the young girl against his chest, receiving a long and deep lash to his back. From there the blood quickly trickled down to the ground, forming a deep puddle. The slaves and Clayton took Alfred to be treated immediately, and once the scene was cleared of people Buck was formed. He was born a man, an exact twin of Alfred. The only way to tell them apart was their cowlick, as Buck didn't have one. He also had deep gray eyes, which would explain the uniforms in the Civil War. Buck (Confederacy) wore a deep gray, while Alfred (Union) wore a beautiful blue.

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