Chapter Two: Children and His Husband

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The crowd of nations were silent. This chapter was labelled "Children" for what reason? America couldn't have children, he was too young.

    "Before ve start, I have und quvestion," Germany said, raising a hand. That was a first, Germany has a question.

    "Ja bruder vhat is it?" Prussia asked, trying his best to prolong his best friends secrets being spilled.

    "Vho knows about these secrets already?" Germany was genuinely curious. The nations looked around the room to see who would raise their hands. Prussia and Canada were the first to raise, followed by Hungary and Japan. The next bunch was the Nordics: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Denmark. Then Belarus and Romano, who held scowls on their faces. Lithuania shyly raised his hand but didn't look too happy. Lastly, was Russia who's smile was still missing from his face. The other nations were shocked! England and France felt a bit hurt they weren't in the loop. China was mad that Japan knew something he didn't. The rest of the Baltics and Ukraine looked at their three family members. Italy and Spain were hurt Romano hadn't told them any of this. Germany was just in awe that his brother and Hungary, as well as his ally Japan, had been so secretive.

    "Why do you gits know all his secrets?!" England yelled, his voice dripping in anger.

    "Oui, I 'ave ze same question" France followed.

    "I'm his brother, eh. He tells me everything" Canada replied.

    "He considered us Nordics his very close family, especially Sweden and I, His kids call us their grandparents and uncles," Finland answered, the other Nordics nodding.

    "I lived with the bastard for a while. Lith and Belarus are pretty much the same reason. I became close with them," Romano told with an angry tone.

    "Werr, after Pearr Harbor, I met with some of America-san's chirdren. They were very angry with me, but I eventuarry made up with Hawaii-chan," Japan explained.

    "America and Prussia called me in when some of his daughters were hitting puberty. Prussia wanted a tough woman like me to help guide them, and America wanted someone who wouldn't blab or gossip about them. Since the only people I hung around with were Austria and you two boys at the time, he figured his secrets would be in less danger than if say Belgium was there. Since Belgium was always around everyone. Soon enough Belarus also joined our family and now we're considered aunts to them" Hungary said calmly. All that was left was Russia, who was still silent.

    "Big brother, it might be best if you told them instead of the book," Belarus told him, the other nations in the loop nodding in agreement. The large man sighed, reaching under his shirt, he pulled out a chain that was around his neck. On this chain was a glimmering gold ring, one that shined brighter than the sun.

    "Fredka is my husband, which is why my mood is not the best. This book and 'Star Angel' have no right to let all of you know what's going on in MY Fredka's life! There was a reason only a select few of us knew! So you all wouldn't find out!" Russia's face was red with anger, and Canada walked over. He rubbed a certain part of Russia's back, instantly making him relax, "Spasiba Matvey. Just read," the Russian sat down, still a tiny bit agitated.

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