Chapter Seven: His Children Detailed

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Once Russia thought it was safe he left the bathroom. His penis was now sore from how long he had just masturbated. But that picture just did it for him, he could recall the night in full memory. Alfred was so submissive and horny, the way he just let Russia blindfold him and touch him. Russia didn't like the blindfold on him though and took it off not even five minutes into having sex. The memory began to flood back and Ivan bit his lip: the mere ecstasy in Alfred's eyes, his sweet moans, and pants echoing their soundproof room, the drool spilling from his mouth, and Alfred's hard climax all over his own abdomen. Ivan's penis was now erect again, and he cursed his lover for causing his member so much pain. He tried to ignore it and got up to peek through the door. He didn't see anyone, so he quietly exited his room. As soon as his door shut, he heard a yell.

"Russia! We have been waiting for you to continue! Ve!" Russia jumped nearly a foot in the air and looked down to see Italy, who was on the ground by his door. He was wearing a goofy smile and shot up, snatching Russia's hand and dragging him with surprising strength. When they arrived back at the hall, Russia's erection was still visible. Canada noticed it immediately and let out a low, predatory growl. Russia rushed to his seat and crossed his legs over one another, trying to mask it. He crossed his arms to try to appear tough, and thankfully his boner realized it would not be taken care of at the moment and started to go down.

"Who will read next, aru?" China asked, looking around. The other nations looked as well before Tino raised his hand.

"I guess I will. Hand it over" he chimed in a sickly sweet tone, glaring at Russia. Russia felt a shiver run up his spine, but was it really his fault he was scared? He had been held at gunpoint by the Finnish man, and he was merely cuddling Alfred at that time. The book was passed to Finland, who opened the book and squealed happily. Sweden then looked at the chapter's title and smiled. Not even a small smile, but a huge smile.

"Sweden, the bloody hell has you so happy?" England asked curiously.

"It's about our grandchildren again," Sweden replied, still smiling. Finland then cleared his throat, he didn't want to wait.

"Seven. His Children Detailed. Now, this chapter won't focus on physical descriptions of his children, but some of their personalities and quarks. All of Alfred's children have some tick about them, something that makes them special. But some really stick out.

Take Texas, for example, the boy is very much like Spain. He speaks Spanish sometimes more than English, but this is because he is right at the border and helps a lot of immigrants. He is very tall, almost the same height as Ivan, and can even lift Russia off the ground. Texas is very handy with a firearm, but he doesn't use them unless there's a threat to his family or home. He is a classic cowboy, really good with animals and livestock. He loves to ride horses and is very reserved when around his crush, New York.

New York is a classic mafia boy and is insanely tough. He has scars from 9/11, gashes to be exact. This has prompted York to be a little jumpy in September, but he is still a fearless fighter. He shares America's hero complex, which makes him very prone to getting into trouble. He often roams the bad parts of New York City and straightens out any gangs who step out of place. His one flaw, his stubbornness. This trait was also inherited from Alfred and shows every day. New York is set in his ways and will argue anyone to the grave if he doesn't agree. He often gets into arguments with his sister, New Jersey, about if it is called 'porkroll' or 'taylor ham' and it makes the other states laugh.

(My inner Jersey girl is quaking lol)

Speaking of which, New Jersey is a very unique state. She is sweet as pie most of the time, and loves children. However, she can work a gun better than Switzerland and never backs out of a fight. She tries to be passive most of the time, not wanting to rub off on the young territories or her younger siblings. But sometimes, well she gives zero shits. She learned that from Romano, being she has a strong Italian population. Jersey is also a good cook, specializing in homestyle American. She often cooks with Lovino and Berwald and is quite experimental with different taste.

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