Chapter Six: His Relationship With Russia

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It was maybe two hours before the nations all returned to the hall, some still completely shaken. England was clutching the silk ribbon so hard his knuckles turned white. Finland was still very upset, the other Nordics trying to get him to smile. Denmark just felt angry, he wanted to gut that man who did that to his little brother. Prussia and Canada had just spent the break cuddled in their bed, rocking themselves slowly in order to relax. Russia had clearly been crying, the tear streaks still visible on his pale cheeks. Japan was forced by China to drink some tea and eat a few crackers since his stomach had completely gone through a tailspin. The older Baltics were still trying their best to comfort Latvia, while Ukraine was rubbing Belarus' head. Romano had finally settled his nerves but was still angry. The mafia wasn't his favorite accomplishment and to know Alfred suffered from their tyranny made him upset. Spain was trying to level himself after finding out what Alfred did, his sacrifices seemed so far fetched but yet so like America. Germany spent the entirety of their break researching some of the chapters' contents and nearly had a heart attack when reading about Jeffrey Dahmer. Italy had taken a nap while everyone was out, trying so hard to not dream of the nightmare his friend had lived. Hungary arrived last, having been in the kitchen baking some cookies and boiling some tea. She gave everyone a cup with the herbal substance along with a plate of vanilla cookies.

"We need to calm our nerves, the next chapters can't possibly be as horrid as what we just read. Eat up, we will continue once we all have contents in our belly's," Hungary then sat down, taking a bite from a cookie. Everyone ate the freshly baked treats in silence, well almost everyone. Russia still didn't have an appetite, he was too lost in his own thoughts.

"How dare someone touch MY perfect, kind, and gentle sunflower?! Poor Fredka must have been in so much pain, at least I'm gentle with him! Fredka can be so very fragile when it comes to sex, only I can handle him perfectly! When this is all done with, Fredka is going to tell me about this! I want an explanation so I can destroy this Jeffrey man's grave to an equal degree to how he destroyed my pure source of light in my life! He is lucky I was not told, or I would have smashed into that prison and gutted him! I would have used his intestines as a noose and choked his worthless body until his pathetic life came to a horrific end!"

Russia then remembered sometime in the '90s, Alfred went through a period of timidness during sex. He was scared of it and trembled excessively, despite the two of them having their sexual relationship for over a century. Russia's eyes widened, remembering it all too vividly.


Alfred and Ivan had been making out for ten minutes, and Ivan noticed how submissive Alfred was being. Ivan began to strip down his gorgeous sunflower but noticed the trembling as soon as he pinned America to their bed. It wasn't the nation's normally aroused trembling, no. This was a scared tremble, the same way Latvia trembled when around him.

"Podsolnukh, you are alright, da?" Russia asked as he loomed over his lover. He looked up at Russia seeing nothing but kindness in his deep violet eyes. America looked up at him, blushing madly and nodded. He couldn't say it, the trauma he was feeling. He couldn't tell him what had happened only a week prior, the fear he felt. Alfred simply swallowed his anxiety and nodded sweetly at him.

"Of course my flawless snowflake, I guess it's just all the stress. I'm fine, I promise," Alfred smile seemed to strained, and Ivan at that point knew it was fake. In an attempt to cheer his boyfriend up, he began to nip Alfred's sensitive spot on his neck. Alfred moaned softly as Ivan kissed him with passion and eternal love. 

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