Chapter Ten: His Intelligence

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After the penis incident, Norway flipped through a few spell books before finding an appendage reattachment spell. Unfortunately for Russia, he needed the said appendage in order for the spell to work. Finland blatantly refused to give it up, and the countries argued for two hours on why Russia does or does not deserve it back. The argument came to an end when a compromise was made: Russia would have to inform America about the album and get his blessing or delete it completely in order for the penis to be returned. Since time was still frozen, Russia figured he'd settle for the deal. He always loved those pictures though, maybe he'd have some wallet sized ones made before he told him. After a dinner cooked by Russia and Spain, the nations returned to the table to read a few entries before turning in.

"I will read now," Sweden said, picking up the book. Nobody really wanted to argue with him, since Sweden was a tiny bit angry. He had sided with his wife, France, England, and Canada in the argument. He felt slightly appalled at the album, to which his sweet, beautiful son was shown in such a perverted light. When the compromise was reached, he was still seething. He kept looking at Russia with an intense glare, something that made the tall nation quiver like Latvia.

"Su-san," Finland called sweetly, making the Swede look at him. Finland went to his ear and began to whisper, "I don't agree with it either, but scaring him isn't going to do much. Just read the chapter, and maybe I'll give you an early Christmas present" Finland winked playfully causing Sweden to coyly smile. He remembers when Finland used to be so scared of him. But after meeting America and being around him as an adult, his wife seemed to gain more confidence and courage. Finland even took the lead in their sexual encounters every once in a while. Sweden shot Russia one last glare before clearing his throat.

"Ten. His Intelligence. DO NOT be fooled by America's foolish decisions and childish behavior. He actually is quite intelligent, well not even quite. He IS intelligent and has the highest IQ of all the nations. While the nations' IQ's range a bit, the normal nation being between 110-210. Most countries fall in this range: China, England, Germany, and Japan on the higher end of the spectrum and Latvia, Ukraine, Prussia, and Iceland on the lower end. Now, being in this range is actually great. As the higher end of an average IQ is 110. However, a select few countries actually are above the 110-210 range. Italy and Canada's IQ is 220, Lithuania and Belarus' IQ is 230, and Russia's 240. Alfred however is a complete genius, with a measured IQ higher than anyone else's. He has taken the test six times, none of the test written or done in English. The languages he used were French, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, and Spanish. They took the average of all his test, and it came to 260.

His genius shouldn't really surprise anyone, as much of the modern world owes his nation for the luxury they have. America's land has given the world many of its everyday conveniences: wifi, widespread electricity, gas lighting and heating, phones, and planes. He also has evolved the war industry, designing and manufacturing tanks and guns at a rapid rate. America also can be credited for every navy's most prized toy, as his nation was also responsible for inventing the submarine. Even everyday food such as Coke and bubble gum were invented in America. Sports such as baseball, basketball, and football leave their roots in America, and other nations happily participate when America offers to take them to a game.

A note for England... Don't even say you don't go to games, I watch you often... You go to American football games and constantly chew gum to prevent yourself from nail biting... Yes, I KNOW about that! - The Star Angel"

The crowd of nations started to chuckle, even France as his lover blushed darkly. France patted England's back and looked at him with a smile.

"Mi amore, why didn't you tell any of us?" Francis asked.

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