Chapter Four: The Magic He Holds

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I'm sooooooo sorry I haven't written in a while! Now that it's summer I've been working! I worked three all day shifts this week, in the blazing 100-degree weather. So I was just tired. I'll try to get two chapters done tonight! Again I'm really sorry!

Also, this chapter is a lot of filler, so I also apologize for that!


Morning rolled around, and China and Estonia were the first to wake up. They were the only nations who were awoken by the loud alarms, so they stumbled out of bed to shut them off. They both showered and got dressed in their clothing. The clothing given to them by Star Angel (or we the audience know is Native America) was more comfortable and casual. China slipped on a red pinyin with brown pants, while Estonia slipped on a white and blue striped polo and black slacks. They both left their rooms, bumping into each other in the hallway. China stumbled onto his butt while Estonia barely moved, but his glasses did fall from his face. Estonia began to bend down to pick them up when he accidentally headbutted China.

"Aiya! You must be more careful Estonia aru! If you keep bumping into things you are going to hurt yourself," China got up, helping Estonia to his feet and handing him his glasses. Estonia sighed in relief and put the frames back onto the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, thank you, China. These glasses are precious to me, they were a gift from Lithuania and Latvia. All the time I spend online has badly damaged my eyes, so they bought me these frames and told me to get an eye exam," Estonia laughed nervously, not often being in the presence of the elder nation.

"It is alright aru, let us go see if the others are awake," China walked to room 201, finding England and France nude in their bed. Estonia checked 202, finding the same with Canada and Gilbert. They both figured out why it was that most of the nations were still asleep. Japan then walked from his room, as did Latvia and Lithuania. Japan had on a dark crimson long sleeve with white slacks, not often playing on fashion. Latvia had on a red and white striped polo with blue jeans, and Lithuania had on a yellow and green striped polo with navy jeans.

The five nations went to the mess hall and began to eat breakfast, all of them drinking tea to settle themselves before the busy day. The next to walk in was Germany, who was dragging a still tired Italy behind him. Both of them matching by wearing plain white tees and washed out jeans. Belarus, Ukraine, and Hungary followed up: Belarus wearing a pair of jeans and a violet tank top with her hair in a ponytail and white bow, Ukraine wearing a pastel blue tee with black jeans, and Hungary wearing a pair of black leggings and a long forest green tank top with her hair in a messy bun. Russia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Canada all followed next: Russia wearing his scarf along with a white sweatshirt and navy jeans, Denmark in red slacks and white tank top, Norway wearing a purple dress shirt and dark jeans, Sweden wearing a white tee and faded jeans, and Canada wearing a Canadian flag hoodie and dark jeans. England, France, Iceland, Finland, Romano, Prussia, and Spain were the last to come in; England in a tank with his flag and jeans, France wearing a white dress shirt tucked into his scarlet slacks, Iceland in an ivory dress shirt and violet dress pants, Finland sporting a white tank top with a yellow and blue stars and jeans, Prussia in black jeans and a tank with his old flag on it, and Romano and Spain matching each other with red dress shirts and black jeans. (that took way too long, damn)

They all began to eat the food that was prepared, most of them silent. Some of the nations had never seen the others in casual clothing. For one, Hungary, Ukraine, and Belarus were normally very reserved but they all looked so chill and relaxed. Same for Japan and Germany, feeling a tiny bit more confident.

(I know all the outfits were really unnecessary, but I just wanted to experiment with the nations in different clothing. Like sometimes we see a nation in only in one or two outfits *cough* Ukraine *cough, cough* Latvia *cough uncontrollably* Norway and Iceland *HACKS UP A LUNG* Belarus. So if anyone wants to give feedback on anything, like how I could write it better or even just opinions on the outfits, it would be much appreciated)

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