Chapter Nine: His Pranking Nature

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Sorry, it's been so long! Work has been crazy and I have also just been too tired to write! I'm working a lot less this week so I will try to get another chapter out!

This chapter has a "story" about a prank done by America and his kids. It is a oneshot I have written but never published. So, if you want to read the oneshot just comment and let me know!


The nations continued to bicker until Belarus coughed, pointing to the snickering Prussia. The other nations noticed and looked at him with an odd sense of curiosity. France and Britain both tilted their heads, and Romano and Spain just sighed.

"Vhat is so funny, bruder?" Germany asked, cocking an annoyed eyebrow at him. Prussia just coughed and tried to compose himself.

"I just vant to read ze next chapter! I know it vill be funny!" Prussia then showed the book to his other bestie, Denmark. He began to choke on his own laughter, the other Nordics facepalming at his antics. Ukraine looked at her two close siblings, Belarus and Russia were just as confused. Lithuania picked up the book and smiled slightly.

"It makes sense why they are laughing. This chapter is about pranks," Toris explained, everyone nodding in understanding.

"He did learn that from you two amigos," Spain said, rubbing his temples. He has been on the receiving end of a few of their pranks, it was never funny to him. One time America had switched out all of Spain's tomatoes in his fridge with persimmons, which he didn't realize until he bit into the very sweet honey flavored fruit. While the surprise was not unpleasant, it did make him mad when he found his tomatoes had been used to vandalize England's white mansion. It was a waste of perfectly good tomatoes!

"Who will read it?" Lithuania asked, still holding the book. Everyone was silent until Norway sighed.

"I guess I can, I haven't read much," he said in his monotone voice, the book sliding to him. Norway had a very small smile on his face, but only those who were close to him saw it.

"Oh god, he's smiling," Sweden groaned. Finland patted Sweden's back, sighing. He knew Norway actually took part in some of Alfred's pranks, the worst prank he ever pulled involved Norway.

"Nine. His Pranking Nature. Everybody knows Alfred is the king of pranks. He is very cunning when it comes to them, always assuring he leaves no trace. He was taught by none other than Prussia and Denmark, who always saw America as the youthful energy the world needed. To them, he was the last awesome piece of their awesome family puzzle. Both of them treated Alfred like a little brother and protected him as overprotective big brothers do. Denmark always made sure to show America the safest way to prank, ensuring he wouldn't injure himself. He found America to be extremely sly in that sense, as he was America's first victim after pretending to have been stabbed. Prussia taught America which countries to prank and how. Prussia also fell victim to his stabbing prank, as both the countries were visiting him. He found Prussia's sole weakness, his family.

Prussia and he also became known for their prank on Austria, when they destroyed his piano. However, after seeing Austria's anger had turned to utter sadness after their leave, America felt awful. He learned from Hungary that he was gifted the piano from Maria Theresa, Austria's favorite boss. The sentimental value of it was PRICELESS to him, and America felt guilt crowd his mind. He couldn't sleep knowing if anyone had touched something of that value of his, how utterly distraught he would feel. He ended up building a brand new piano from scratch and even handed over a very personal musical item to Austria, his mammal skin drum from his native days. America then feverishly apologized to him and gifted both items without even staying around to hear his reply. Austria treasures both gifts by America and keeps the drum in a locked cabinet in his room. He has only taken it out two times, once was when he asked America to play it for him and again following the aftermath of World War II. This came after America took in Romano and promised to aid Germany in rebuilding. Nobody knows, but Alfred also had found Austria crying in a broom closet and comforted him when Austria blamed himself for Hitler. Alfred to this day, other than Hungary, has been the only person to see Austria cry"

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