Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

We walked into my house, and flopped down onto the couch. Calum sat down carefully beside me, pulling me to him so that my legs were hanging over his. "Can I?" He asked holding my wrist. "Yeah." He pushed my sleeve up to my elbow he ran his hand along the raised skin, then he picked up my arm holding it to his mouth his kissed my scars. I placed my arm down and did the same thing to my other arm, I was shocked. "Juliette, tell me why? I never understood." He asked genuinely wanting to know. "Well. After getting hurt by so many people for so long there are 2 main reasons I started doing it. 1. Because I felt like it was a way to know that I still could feel pain. That after everything I could sill feel. 2. I want to be in control of my own pain, I want to know at the end of the day that I control what happens to me." I stuttered. I wanted to go upstairs and get my razor and cut, my stomach hurt with the sickness that was the craving. I just wanted to end my life, like Zayn said 'I'm not worth it, I'm just another wasted life. People would be happier if I was dead.'. "I have to go to the bathroom". I said standing up and leaving to room. I raced up the stairs and grabbed the rag under my pillow, I grabbed it and jumped into bathroom my fingers fumbling with the lock. I unfolded the rag quickly, taking out the small silver blade. I brought it to my wrist, horizontal and I would live. Vertical and I would die. I heard footsteps race up the stairs, "Juliette, COME OUT OF THERE NOW!" Cal finally realized what I was doing. I placed it at my wrist and pulled down toward my body, the floor vibrated with Calum pounding at the door. I could t hear him anymore though, I could only hear my heart beat. The blood was coming out of my arm and lacing me in a pool of blood, the world started to get fuzzy around the edges. The door broke from the lock revealing Calum, I couldn't see him because everything was fading black. I felt his hands pick me up, scooping me up and running. "Your gonna be okay." He whispered a warm tear falling from his eyes fell onto my face. Then the world went black.

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