Chapter Two-Desicions

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*Cam, Nash, Carter, Matt, and the Jacks live in a giant 8 bedroom mansion in LA. They all have jobs. I added 2 years to each of their ages so Cam is 22, Carter and the Jacks are 20, Nash is 18 1/2, and Matt is 19. Enjoy!*

~~Cameron's POV~~

The guys and I have been thinking about adopting a kid between ages 2-4 to help us mature better. There is just one problem. Matt, JackG, and I want to adopt a girl. Nash, JackJ, and Carter want a boy.

"Dude there's too many guys in this house. Let's just get a girl." Matt said to Nash.

"But we would know how to raise a boy better." Nash replied. They argued for a while until I got an idea.

"Wait guys. How about we adopt twins?" I said.

"That's not a bad idea actually. But where are we gonna find twin orphans?" Jack J replied.

"Let's look online." Carter said, already on his MacBookPro. After about 15 minutes of searching, he found the perfect solution.

"Guys, there is this orphanage in Burbank that is filled with twins and triplets. Lets try there." he said with a smile.

"Perfect." Matt said.

"Well lets go out and get everything for the rooms so they're ready when we pick out the twins." I said. We all hoped in the car and drove to the mall. First, we shopped for paint and furniture. For the boy, we picked out a light blue and for the girl, a light purple. They would both get their own rooms. Then we picked out two beds, two dressers, two little desks, and two TV's. Then we went to get toys at Toys R' Us. For the girl, we got Barbie dolls, a Barbie house with a car, more dolls, a teddy bear, and some dress up stuff. For the boy, we got toy cars, trucks, planes, trains, and a stuffed dinosaur. We would shop for clothes later. We also got bath toys and soaps, carseats, and a double stroller. We shoved everything in the car and drove home, stoping at Taco Bell for lunch. We got home and within 5 hours, finished painting, building, and setting everything up. We would go get the kids tomorrow. That night, we discussed who would be the father.

" I vote Cam. It was your idea in the first place to adopt." JackG said.

"Me too." Matt agreed.

"That's fine by me." Nash said. Everyone else agreed and went to bed. I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad. I jumped into bed and was asleep within seconds.

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