Chapter Ten- Magcon Reunion

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Brady's POV

I've been in the hospital for about two days since I woke up. Daddy said they wanted to make sure I'm breathing properly. I'm happy because I get to go home today! When I woke up that morning, Daddy was there and said we could leave. I changed into a dark blue t-shirt, jeans, black vans, and a dark blue SnapBack. We get in the car and Daddy buckles me in. We drive home and get McDonalds on the way home. We finally get home and I run out of the car. Daddy opens the door and everyone is in the living room. They all hug me and tell me they missed me. We decide to go swimming and order pizza for dinner. I change into my neon green and white swimming trunks and run downstairs. Addy had just woken up from her nap and comes down in a pink bathing suit. She runs to me and hugs me. We run outside and Daddy helps is get our floaties on. We can swim, just not that well. I start playing with Uncle Carter and Uncle JJ. Then, Daddy comes out with water balloons and water guns. Daddy and Uncle Matt fill up two buckets of balloons, one with green ones, one with blue ones.

"Hey guys!! Lets have a water fight! Jack, Cam, Carter, and Brady are the blue team! JJ, Nash, Addy and I are green!" Uncle Matt yells. We take our sides and start throwing water balloons. I hit Daddy in the stomach, Uncle Nash in the head, and Uncle JJ in "that" area.

"Sorry Uncle JJ!!" I yell, laughing really hard. after we throw all the balloons, we dry off and shower. I put on my superman pjs and I hear the doorbell ring. It was the pizza guy. We payed for the pizza and ate. Then we watched Despicable Me 1 and 2.

Cam's POV

As we watch some movies, Addy starts to fall asleep. I pick her up and carry her to her room. I tuck her in and kiss her head.

"Goodnight baby girl." I whisper. I walk back downstairs and Brady is asleep now too. I take him upstairs and put him to bed too. When I come back to the living room, Nash is asleep.

"Alright am I gonna have to carry everyone to their rooms!?" I whisper yell, trying not to wake up the twins. Everyone laughs and we finish the movie.

2 weeks later

Cam's POV

I wake up to my phone ringing. Its Bart.

Phone Convo B-Bart C-Cam


B-Hey Cam. Been a while since we've talked. Anyways, I wanted to know if you, Nash, Matt, Carter, and the Jacks would be up for a Magcon reunion tour? Mahogany, Shawn, Taylor, Aaron will be there too.

C-Um...sure I guess. But two more people need to come.

B-I know. You adopted twins right? They'll be able to come too.

C-Where are we going?

B- Los Angeles, Phoenix, Houston, Miami, Boston, New York City, Denver, and San Fransisco. It will be about 4 month tour.

C-Um..let me ask the guys. I'll call you later.

B-Ok. Later Cam.


End of Convo

I hang up and wake all everyone, telling them to met me downstairs for am announcement. Once everyone is in the living room, I tell them about the tour.

"Sounds cool. I'm down." Matt and Carter say.

"Sure." Nash says. The Jacks agree, but Brady and Addy look confused.

"What's Magcon?" Brady asks.

"Well you know how Daddy and everyone makes videos?" Matt says. He nods.

"Well, at Magcon, we meet all our fans. We go on stage and sing, dance, and do funny stuff." I say.

"I wanna go!!!" the twins say with smiles.

"You will both be going." I say. Everyone cheers and I call Bart back. He tells us it starts on Friday, which is in two days, and he booked our flight to Houston, our first event. I tell everyone to go pack.

"Addy, Uncle Jack will help you. Brady, I'll help you." I order. Brady and I go into his room and pack. I grab some tank-tops, t-shirts, hoodies, jeans, pajamas, bathing suits, shorts, underwear, socks, and about 5 snapbacks. I go into his bathroom and grab toothpaste, a toothbrush, his hair brush, body wash, and shampoo. After his suitcase is packed, we pack his carry-on. I grab his 2 toy cars, a coloring book, and his iPad and charger. I put them in a blue Jansport backpack, and set his things by the door.Its noon by then. Brady fell asleep, so I tucked him in and closes the door. I run to my room and pack myself t-shirts, tank-tops, hoodies, pants, shorts, pajamas, socks, boxers, and three swimming trunks. I pack my toiletries and zip up my suitcase. I fill my backpack with my laptop, a charger, and a few magazines. I flop on my bed and its already 3pm. I take a little nap myself.

2 hours later

"Daddy! Daddy!" It's Addy. She's jumping on my bed.

"What sweetheart? You hungry?" I say, yawning.

"Yes!!" she says, jumping then dropping onto her butt. I laugh and tickle her.

"Daddy stop!!! That tickles!!!" she giggles, kicking her legs. I pick her up, put her on my hip, and walk downstairs. I turn on Bubble Guppies for her, which is her favorite show. I walk into the kitchen and make Mac&Cheese and broccoli. Brady comes down and watches TV with Addy. I finish the food and set it on the table.

"Addy! Brady! Dinners ready!" I yell. They both run in and sit down. They gobble their Mac and Cheese, but Addy won't eat her broccoli.

"Addy, eat your broccoli too please." I say, drinking my Pepsi.

"No. It's yucky." she says, pushing her plate away. Uh-oh, this might not go too well.

"Addy, if you don't eat your vegetables, you won't grow big and strong. Look, Brady ate all his." I say, pointing to Brady, gnawing on a big piece.

"No." she says with little attitude.

"Addy, please eat your broccoli." I say sternly.

"No." she jumps out of her seat, and runs into the living room.

"Addy, if you don't eat your veggies, you're gonna get a time out." She ignored me and continued watching Spongebob. I got angry and turned off the TV.

"Hey!" she whined.

"Addison, you have 5 seconds to go into the kitchen and eat? like the good girl I know you are."I said. She crosses her arms and looked at me.

"1, 2, 3.." she didn't move.

"4..." Still didn't move.

"5." I picked her up and she started kicking. I took her to the kitchen and sat her in a chair.

"Because you didn't listen, you will be in time out for 3 minutes. If you get up, I'm going to start again. Understand?" I said. She didn't say anything, just kicked and whined. I left her to calm down and finished eating. I walked back to Addy, who was softly crying.

"Are you ready to be a good girl and eat?" I asked, kneeling to her level.

"Yes, I'm sorry Daddy." she says, hugging me.

"It's ok. You need to listen to me though, ok?" I say, giving her a small smile. She nods and runs into the dining room. She eats her broccoli and smiles.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" I say giving her a hug. She shook her head and went into her room. I cleaned up and watches TV. At 8, I give Addy and Brady their baths and put them to bed. I'm tired, so I go to sleep myself.

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