Chapter 1- Who is your Teacher?

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It's hard losing a loved one. It's like life cant move on now. Its hard to turn the page and move on to a new chapter, knowing that the person you lost wont be there. But the story has to go on. You cant finish a book if you don't turn the page and read on. But... sometimes, you don't want to move on. Losing someone is hard, especially someone who has been supporting you since day one.

I never got to say sorry.

Watching my sister die is tragic. I was horrible towards her and yet she still gave up her life so that I could live. But I was a nobody, and she was a somebody. She could fight, be strong and talk back. What could i do? Sit in a throne and make people bring me food? People only follow my orders because i am their ruler. People followed Funneh cause they respected her, and thought she was a cool person, cause she was.

I woke up in the carriage, hoping that this would all be dream, and maybe even Draco would still be around. I was not that lucky. I finally gave into reality, shes never coming back. I am never going to see her again.

She is gone.. forever.

As soon as everyone got back to the castle, I got a squadron of guards and commanded them to go back to Craig Peak and search for Funneh. Lunar left for her room but Rainbow stayed by my side. Kyran approached me and put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him. He pushed his dark blue hair and looked at me with his dark grey eyes. "You okay?" He asked, looking at me. I smiled sadly, but I could feel the tears rapidly returning to my eyes. As if sensing this, he pulled out a handkerchief and pressed it into my hands. "Ill see you later." he muttered and with that left with the guards that were heading out to look for Funneh. I waved goodbye and then realized I never asked him to go. My heart still relaxed knowing if anybody could find my sister, it would be Kyran or Alec.

Speaking of Alec, I realized that I could not see his crimson hair bobbing around the guards. Where was he? Since he is head guard, I needed to discuss some defence tactics with him. I roamed around, calling his name while Rainbow questioned some of the guards. My pale dusty yellow gown was ripped, and I did not care. I called and called, but soon my voice became horse. I pushed my golden hair out of my face and decided to to look in the guard sleeping-quarters that was located on the 2nd floor.

I lifted my dress and climbed the west spiral steps up onto the second floor. There are always 4 sets of stairs on each level, so we never had to walk super far. My flats tapped softy on the marble floor and I walked for awhile. I was almost at the turn at the end of the hall when a little girl came the corner.

She was wearing a white shirt and looked around 9 years old. She had bubble-gum pink hair that was braided in a pigtail style. Her blue eyes sparkled with tears and she clutched a book that read "Math." Oh of course. She must be part of the school I had managed to arrange to be held in the castle.

I stopped, but she did not notice me. I opened my mouth to say something when suddenly, her hand shot up to her neck. Her eyes became even more watery. Two boys raced around the corner laughing and pointing at the girl. One boy had a green cap and blue hair, holding a phone that seemed to be recording the girl. The other boy had green hair and glasses. In his hand held a straw. He then ran up to the girl and grabbed the book out of her hand.

"Liked our spit ball, Selene?" He laughed. None of them seemed to notice I was here. The boy with the green cap started laughing louder. "Studying for the math test tomorrow? What a teacher's pet!" He mocked. "Give it back!" Selene wailed, reaching up to grab the book. "Give me back." The glasses boy said in a high pitched voice. He then walked over to the window at the end of the hall and dropped the book out of it. "Oops." The two laughed and the guy in the green cap tucked his phone away into a pocket.

I was so pissed now. Oh goodness. That was too far! "Hey!" I said, putting my hands on my hips. They all froze and turned to look at me. The girl's hands flew over her mouth and the boys just stared.

Ugh. Boys.

"You know what you are doing is very wrong, I am every disappointed. What are you names?" I demanded, walking towards them. "Nick Chen." Said the boy in the green cap, then pointed at the boy with the glasses. "and he is Josh McDonald." I glanced down at them. "Delete the video, Nick." Grumbling, Nick took his phone and I watched him delete the photo permanently from his phone. "Now, tell me Josh, who is your teacher."

Rainbow came around the corner and me with the children, and saw Selene crying. She understood instantly and bent down to mutter to Selene. Josh tried to step away. "Josh." I said in a sharp voice. He froze. "Who is your teacher." I asked again, raising my voice. Josh mumbled something. "Repeat that." I said, leaning in. "I already said it once, why should I say it again?" Josh snapped. I gasped. How rude!

"Alright then, Nick, who is your teacher." I turned to face him, keeping an eye on Josh. "Josh already told you" He said loyalty. I let out a heavy sigh. "Fine." I grabbed their arms and then turned in Selene's direction. "Selene, who is their teacher." She gulped, but managed to squeak out. "Mrs. Dove."

"Alright then boys, lets go meet Mrs.Dove."

If only I had noticed their smirked behind my back as I pulled them down the hall to the makeshift classrooms.

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