Chapter 14- Battle of 'Hogwarts'

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A/N from T: I can't do anything about the title. No it's not a crossover between Funneh and Harry Potter. If you want to blame anyone. Blame Cady. Her personal account is CadyHorseLover and her address is and her phone number is-
While you are at it, follow me (TropicalMermaid ) and check out my book coming August 21.
Let's just get on with the chapter.

A loud clash jolted me from my slumber. Eyes flying open, I twisted my head around frantically to get a glimpse of what was going on.

During my unconsciousness, someone had untied me and carried me outside the cave, underneath a tree there. I could hear more of the loud racket from inside the cave, sounding like metal against metal- metal against metal?

I supported myself against the trunk and slowly stood up, making sure I wasn't going to pass out again before limping towards the cave entrance- one of my legs was still asleep!

It was a disaster inside.

The cry I'd heard before passing out wasn't my imagination, it was real. I could see Kyran and 5 more guards battling Gravia, Hunter, and Trevor. Though the guards outnumbered them 2-1, Gravia and Hunter were extraordinary at swordsmanship. Gravia was fighting 3 at once, while Hunter fought the other 3. Trevor appeared unconscious, and was tied up and tossed on the ground.

I watched as Gravia did a 90 degree turn in mid-air and slash the sword down on one of the guards, slashing his metal armour open and knocking him backwards with the force. He flew back and hit the opposite wall with a sickening crunch, and didn't stir. But I could see the shallow rise and fall of his chest.

I felt- with a pang of guilt- reassured that it wasn't Kyran. My eyes traveled around until I spotted him, barley dodging a blow from Hunter as he turned to look at the fallen soldier with concern.

Wanting to help, I picked up a fallen branch nearby and, having no experience in these sword thingies, charged in.

Gravia kicked both of the other soldiers with an impressing pike jump, and they both fell backward, dumbfounded. She turned back, sweating dripping down the sides of her face, and spotted Hunter battling 3 others. She leaped forward to help, but not before she caught sight of me, in my ripped silk pyjamas, jacket lost, standing there with a pathetic-looking stick in my hand.

"Oh my, oh my. What do we have here?" She said with a wicked grin, walking toward me like a predator stalking toward its prey.

"... Hi." I said lamely, waving my other hand limply. Hey, I was still fuzzy from that fierce liquid!

An expression of bemusement passed across her beautiful features, before a look of utter disgust replaced it.

"Gold?!" I heard a sharp gasp of shock and surprise from my right. Not even having to turn, I could tell it was Kyran. I haven't even noticed the battle had stopped, and all of them were staring at us.

Well, might as well give them a show!

I leaped forward with a cartoon-ish "Hyaaah!" and aimed straight for Gravia's stomach.

Quick as a flash, her sword whipped forward, creating a silver arch that, agonizingly, cut down my branch in half and causing me to misjudge the distance needed, resulting in me stopping midway and falling down. I tried to land like all those agents I see in movies, but my knees buckled and I crumbled forward in a heap on the floor.

Well, that was awkward.

"Gold!" Kyran yelled, at the same time the other guards yelled, "Your Highness!"

Kyran ran to me and helped me up, as I willed for my cheeks to reduce the redness. "I'm fine, I'm fine." I insisted, dusting myself off.

I heard a loud clatter, and we both turned to see that the guards have knocked Hunter's knife out of his hands and they were tying him up.

"Kyran! You Highness!" And alarmed voice yelled, and we both turned- Kyran a bit quicker than me- to see Gravia's sword coming straight for my heart.

Quick as lightning, Kyran had flung himself at me and we collided, rolling to the side, barely missing Gravia's sword.

With a hiss of frustration, she swung her sword back at us and Kyran grabbed me and rolled us to the side, but not quick enough.

I heard- and felt- his hiss of pain as Gravia's sword unmistakably jabbed into him. Where exactly, I wasn't sure, but it sounded painful.

Kyran squeezed his eyes shut for a few moments, probably because of the HUGE GASH GOING DOWN HIS ARM, and whispered, "Run!" to me before turning on his back and swept the floor with his leg, causing Gravia to loose her balance.

I took that time to scramble up and run towards their crates, knowing all the treasures were inside. Turning back around, I saw Kyran raise his knee up and knock on Gravia's chin, hard.

Gravia let out a gurgle of pain and fell backward, allowing Kyran to press down on her chest with his knee. "Get a rope!" He ordered, and I rushed to drag all the bags out.

Some guards helped me drag all the goodie bags out to where the robbers' wagon stood, while the others helped Kyran drag the knocked-out robbers out. We dumped them all in the wagon and leashed the white, army horse to the wagon.

They were about to let the black mustang loose, but I didn't want that. I kind of liked the horse, and our royal stables had an open stall anyway, since Luna has passed away.

"Can we keep him?" I asked one of the guards, who gave me an incredulous look.

"Are you... asking me?" He said, sounding shocked.

A laugh sounded behind me and I turned to see Kyran striding forward. "Yes. Yes, we can."

There was a seat infront of the wagon, just long enough for 2 people. Kyran and I sat in it while the guards got on their horses, and they rode in front of us.

The injured soldier was slumped on his horse, looking barely strong enough to hold on. I gave him a worried look and turned to Kyran, "Do you think he'll be okay?"

"Hopefully we get back to the castle soon enough." He replied.

"And what about you?" I inquired.

"I'm fine. Just a... small gash on my left shoulder blade. No worries." He said easily, though I could see it was hurting him to hold the rein of the horse.

"Here, let me." I said, taking the reins away from him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his grey eyes piercing into mine.

"If you're asking if I got a slash on my shoulder, then yes. I'm fine."

He chuckled, then winced as his shoulder shook. "Are you cold?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like you can offer me your jacket. It's all bloody."

"No, but we could cuddle!" He said, squeezing closer to me.

I smiled despite myself. It was kind of cold. And he did kind of warm me up.

Eh, I'll let it pass.

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