Chapter 5 - Recover, Rise, and Reborn

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How was this possible?

I stood there, gaping at the sight some more. It broke my heart completely. There should be no way this was possible right now. But here she was.


Her blue hair was sprawled all around her, and her face was pale. There was a dark ugly gash on her calf, but besides that. From where I was, I could see her chest slowly heaving up and down. Taking shallow breaths.

She's alive.

I don't know how it happened. Did the water break her fall? Did some miracle happen? Did magic happen? I don't know, I don't care. What really matters is that.

She's alive!

I ran to my sisters side and dropped on my knees. "Funneh! Funneh can you hear me? Respond!" She did nothing. But she was alive! I checked her pulse. There it was, like a small flutter of hope. Pumping to give my sister another chance to live.

But for how much longer?

I needed to get her to Nurse Lilac. Right away. I glanced at Brownie , who was watching us. "Buddy. We need to get her back." I said, pointing at Funneh. Brownie nodded. Before I knew it, I was back on Brownie's back, supporting Funneh and speeding back to the castle.

She can make it. She has too.

His hooves pounded on the gravel, like my beating heart. The forest whisked by and soon, we were running away through the abandoned village.  "Hang in there Funneh, we are going to make it. Almost there." I whispered, tucking my sisters hair behind her ears. "Almost there sister." I leaned past her and patted Brownie's neck. "Faster Brownie!" He sped up the path to the castle.

We can save her.

The castle was getting closer, and closer. We were getting closer and closer. So close, yet so far. It was hard. I needed to hurry up and quickly get her to safety, to heal her. She has to be okay. If she had lived for so long, how could she not be.

We have to save her.

Rainbow was at the gate, and looked shocked to see me. Her eyes traveled to Funneh and she screamed, in joy and sorrow. My heart slightly jumped, I had never seen anyone express such drastically different emotions at once. Brownie slowed to a trot and then stopped. Rainbow reached towards us, and for a moment, I thought she was reaching out for me, towards me and to help me. But she grabbed Funneh and motioned for me to help her.

Anything for Funneh.

I jumped down and gave Brownie a pat on his neck. "Thanks boy, we owe you the world." I then caught the eye of one of the guards who was watching the whole scene and tilted my head at Brownie. He straightened up and ran towards Brownie. I then wrapped Funneh's right arm around my neck, while Rainbow did the same to her left. Slowly, we made our way to the hospital quarters.

So close. Almost there.

We burst through the medical room doors with a load bang. Nurse Joy shot up from the bed, and rubbed her eyes. "What is going..." Her jaw dropped. "I thought she..." She trailed off.

I shook my head. "Please just heal her." Nurse Lilac ran over to a counter and quickly scooped up what looked to be like a radio. "Calling all doctors and nurses to the first floor hospital quarters. Now." Within minutes, nurses and doctors were lowering Funneh into a bed, then wheeling her into the ER. I stepped to follow, but Rainbow stopped me. "It's best to just let them do their thing."

All we can do is wait.

It felt like hours, days, weeks. The clock seemed to be broken. I would be looking up for what seemed like a year to see that only a minute would pass. Lunar swung by, and I had to literally wrestle on top of her to stop her from bursting into the ER. Rainbow was pacing, and Lunar was sitting on the floor, looking pale. I sat on the plastic, uncomfortable chairs outside the ER and just.. stared. At the water dispenser across me.

How much longer?

After what felt like eternity, Nurse Lilac finally emerged out of the room. "She's alive, but in a... condition."

I shot up from the chair. "Like.. what?" I asked, voice trembling and palms sweaty. "She is most likely alive thanks to the water, but her head had hit some rocks and she almost drowned. It's still a miracle she's breathing. We hooked up to a machine just in case though... she's in a coma." Nurse Lilac said, going over to a computer and typing something in the screen. Lunar turned even paler, and Rainbow was still pacing, even faster now.

So... is this it?

"A coma?" I asked, shaking my head. From the computer, still typing, Nurse Lilac nodded. "We are not sure if she will ever wake up again, but everyone is still trying their best." The printer started printing something. When it finished, she grabbed it and handed the papers to Rainbow, who started reading right away.

Never... wake up again?

Nurse Lilac stepped back into the ER, and heavy dark cloud seemed to hover over the rest of us. Silence, no sound except the sound of rustling paper as my sister kept reading what Nurse Lilac gave to her. Lunar went up to her and started reading over her shoulder. I could not stand it. I stood up, walked over to the ER, and opened to door.

It was tragic.

Nurses and Doctors swarmed around the room. Machines beeped, and talking voices filled the room, but it all seemed to vanish when I saw my sister. Laying on the bed, eyes closed, wires attached to her, looking like she was on the brink of death. Her face looked even paler than before, if that was possible. Her blue hair fanned out like a ocean, the light reflecting off it. Even her hair looked like it'd lost its shine.

Death is a powerful thing.

I had never seen Funneh so still. She was always moving, even when sitting down. It was so unnatural to see my sister, laying there, no movement and no sign of her being alive.

Death can't take my sister away.

I stared at the sight for as long as I could, before my eyes started burning, and my legs started trembling. My hands started twitching and my mouth opened but would- could not say a thing.

At least not yet, anyways.

I collapsed to the floor, crying my heart out, for my sister. Why, why, why, why?

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