Chapter 6 - It Came Back

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The next few hours felt like a blur. The doctors and nurses could not find a way to fix Funneh, and they were running out of ways. They ended up giving up for the night, saying that after a good night's sleep, their brain would be refreshed.

I bid them goodnight and left the Hospital Quarters with my sisters, and none of us said a word as we split off into our corresponding rooms.

The door to my room opened with a creek and a gust of cold air greeted me. Immediately, I could see why; my balcony door was opened, letting the chilly air in and making my beige curtains flutter violently. I could see the dark, starry night beyond it with stars sprinkled around. Huh, one of the maids must've forgotten to close the doors. I left to go to the bathroom and shower without giving it a second thought.

I returned to my room, dressed in a cream nightgown. I was brushing my ombre hair and humming to a tune I had heard earlier today. The window was letting in a breeze that calmed me and soothed me. My soft golden hair fell down to my shoulder as I placed the brush on my bed and turned to grab an extra pillow. You can never go wrong with having lots of pillows.

I climbed into bed. Just as I was about to slip on my yellow sleeping mask, I thought I saw something floating around in my room. I sat up for a closer look, and realized it was a bubble. A huge bubble, that is. It was nonchalantly floating towards me, like it had all the time in the world. I suppose it did, not that it was a luxury I could afford.

Maybe one of the kids had been blowing bubbles outside, and it floated in while my balcony window was open? Perhaps. That was the only explanation I had. I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly, a memory of text flashed in my mind.

"Memory Bubbles are a rare thing of extraordinary magic. It is not known how exactly it is made, but most people know the effects of it. It can be used for evil or good. Allow me to explain. A memory bubble can only be created by someone who know the target well, a close friend, or simply family. When they cast the spell, a bubble will appear, with dark mist swirling on the inside. The bubble then travels to find the intended target. There are two ways a bubble can effect its target. One was is that the bubble is popped by itself on the target's skin, and the target will be thrown into a memory that the caster of the spell has cast. The memory could be good or bad. Once the memory is finished, the person will return back to there normal state of mind. But if the target pops the memory bubble, it is much worse. The target will still be thrown into the memory, but she or he will be thrown into an everlasting loop, playing the memory over and over again. The only way to bring them back is to wipe the bubble stains off their finger before it is dried up. This magic has caused quite a few people to go insane. One of the few way to defuse a bubble is that if it pops on anything that is not its intended target. If my target was a sheep but the bubble pops on a cow before reaching the sheep, the cow and sheep will not be effected in any shape or form."

My eyes widened and I inched back on my bed, as far as I could get away from this memory bubble. I opened my mouth to scream, to cry for help, but it was too late. The evil thing gently floated up to my forearm and popped itself.

Before I could so much as take a huge intake of breath, I was swept away into the memory.

I was in a space of pitch darkness except for a tiny screen in front of me, not unlike a TV. I leaned closer to peer at it and gasped; it was a teenage me! So this is how memory bubbles worked. I'd read about them in the royal library when I was a kid. Those bubbles were advanced stuff, I don't think anybody knows I know about them.

I watched as teenage me made her way over to a huge banquet. Oh my dear, was that really how I did my hair back then? In two pigtails? Oh, this will be embarrassing. But I think I know which memory this is. A huge stage was setup in the front, with a small display. On top of it was my mother's old crown. Studded with emeralds and diamonds, made out of gold.

I watched as teenage Rainbow, dressed fancily in a pink gown and a cape that trailed behind her, fidget nervously from behind the huge curtains beside the stage. I looked around. Even though it's been months since my parent's death, lots of people were still wearing black. I was frowning; shouldn't people be wearing festive clothes at such a happy event?

I turned around to see where my siblings were; of course, Little Funneh was only interested in the festive foods that decorated the long tables, Little Draco right beside her. Lunar was sitting by herself in a small corner, hands covering her ears and rocking back and forth, looking distressed. I remember how in the weeks following our parents' death, Lunar has been acting very distant and I often saw her by herself in a corner, muttering to herself. Poor Lunar, I think she took our parents' death harder than any of us.

Someone cleared their throat, and I, along with everybody else, turned to stare up at the stage. An announcer was up there, and he tapped the microphone. "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3." She muttered and straightened up. "Good evening everyone, thank you for joining us on this spectacular day. Please, let's have a moment of silence for our fallen king and queen." Everyone grew still and bowed their head, me along with them.

I could feel tears threatening to spill out again, and imagined how hard it was for Rainbow. She'd told me earlier that day how scared she was that she wouldn't be able to succeed our citizen's expectations. Oh, if only I'd paid closer attention to how Rainbow needed me that day.

"Thank you everyone. Even as we still grieve for their majesties, we need a new ruler for the Krewdom. As the law says, the next-in-line for the throne must be the eldest child of their majesties, and that child is Princess Betty La. Please join me in welcoming our new queen!" Applause erupted, and some little children whooped in joy.

I chuckled to myself. Rainbow was always good with kids, something I never quite understood. Sure, kids liked me, but they'll run to Rainbow when they get hurt or feel scared. I watched as Rainbow took a deep breath and stepped out form behind the curtains. Spotlights immediately found her, and she cringed under the blinding glare of lights.

My heart melted at the sight of little Rainbow's forced smile.

The applause finally died down and the announcer continued. "Betty La, do you promise to always cherish the law of Krewdom and protect your future citizens, no matter what?" Rainbow nodded, and I know she meant it. "Do you promise to never use the kingdom's goods for your own selfishness, and always be selfless?" Rainbow nodded again. "Then, by the power invested in me, I announce you, Queen Betty La of-"

"Wait!" Rainbow interrupted, and everyone turned to look at her. "I'd like to nominate my little sister, and second-in-line, Kim La, to be the queen." I could see me blushing with wide eyes as everyone turned to stare at me. "She is the most responsible and selfless out of all of us, and I know she will always cherish and protect her people in ways nobody else can. She's always more fit to be queen than I was anyways, so I think you, my citizens, should give her a chance at becoming queen. Besides... I'm not ready yet."

Rainbow waved her hand at me to join her onstage, and I did as she'd asked. She turned to smile encouragingly at me as the announcer cleared her throat nervously. "Well, this has definitely never happened before... But, it is a new era, so perhaps change will do us good. If anyone disagrees with this, please raise your hand." Nobody did.

It might've been my imagination, but I caught a glimpse of Lady Jane glaring at me with such hatred I shivered.

The announcer turned to look at me. "Kim La, do you promise to always cherish the law of Krewdom and protect your future citizens, no matter what?" I nodded furiously, and I knew I meant it. "Do you promise to never use the kingdom's goods for your own selfishness, and always be selfless?" I nodded again. "I do." I replied. "Then, by the power invested in me, I announce you, Queen Kim La of Krewdom." With that, he turned to his left, lifted up my mother's crown and settled it on top of my head.

To my utter surprise, everyone started clapping and someone whistled loudly. I didn't have to look to know it was Funneh. My chest swelled with pride and I blushed, grinning and waving at everyone like the true queen I was- am.

Then, just like that, the TV, along with all the smiling faces of my citizens and family, disappeared, leaving me in complete darkness.

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