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"You FAILED.... AGAIN! "

Draco cowered in the corner, watching the tall figure scream above him.

"Do you REALIZE how bad this is? You didn't even manage to kill any of them this time!"

Her booming screams bounced off the walls of the cave and the crates in them. The tall figure had brought him in here so no one could hear her scream.

"Draco! I have half my mind to dump you back in that place and get a new... a new... a new friend to help me!"

Draco crumpled to the ground and clasped his hands together.

"Please! Don't leave me here with them! I can do better, I swear!"

His hysterical actions seemed to amuse the strange figure, as she chucked. She drew out a bottle of purple swirling liquid and gave it to him.

"Drink it."

He gulped it down, and watched as the figure pulled out another bottle. The acid green liquid inside seemed to be smoking and bubbling.

"Drink this too."

He didn't hesitate, he trusted this figure. How could he not? She saved him when he thought all was lost. He gulped down the potion.


An ear-spiting scream was quickly overcome by another's laughter as it bounced off the walls and into the wild.

Heheh! Cliffhanger!

Our next book and 3rd instalment of "The Krewdom", "Lunar and the Magic", will be out September 5th! We'll be taking a one week break in the meantime. (To start the book and to edit this one... we both hate this part.) We hoped you enjoyed this book! We put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it XD. (Thank you for all the nice comments! We really love reading through all of them! Keep voting and leaving them!)


"Always isn't a word. It's a promise saying that we'll stick with each other until the very end. No matter what."

Xoxo, Tropical and Cady
(TropicalMermaid & CadyHorseLover )

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