Chapter 15 - Friendly Fired Friend

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"Kyran, I'm pretty sure that's infected."

"Gold, stop worrying. I'm fine."

The guards were on horses, quickly riding back to the Krewdom, after the battle in the cave. The robbers were still in the back of the wagon and the jewels were stored away in side bags on the saddle. I was still sitting beside Kyran, examining the long twisted gash he had on his arm.

"I'm worrying because I need you alive." I say, rolling my eyes.

Kyran managed to look over his shoulder and give me a dashing smile, while steering through a thicket of trees. "Why? Because you can't live without me? Am I just too dashing for you?" (Cady has just died from heart-melt, whist Tropical facepalms.)

I pout, and cross them at my chest. "No, because you're head guard and I think I need you alive to keep me alive."

He let out a twinkling laugh, and we rode in quiet for a while. The rocking of the wagon kept me swaying to the left and to the right. I felt my body start to dip into a small slumber. But I shook it awake and eyes peeled.

The gash on Kyran's arm was growing more and more black by the time we arrived at the castle. I was worried now. Why was it reacting like this? Normal scratches heal and occasionally leave a scar. This was no normal cut.

"Kyran, I order you to-"


Suddenly I was hurled off and into the arms of Rainbow, squeezing me tightly. "Where have you been? Do you know how worried we were?"

Over her shoulder, Lunar was rushing out of the front gates, her face pale and worried. "Gold!" She rushed over and threw her arms around us. "Can we go one week without having to worry about someone?" She asked, teasingly. But I knew there was a tone of seriousness in it.

I was forced between my sister as they started steering me to the palace, still talking. I looked over my shoulder and managed to catch a glimpse of Kyran, unpacking his horse. I felt a pang of sadness. I would have to give him a proper thank you later.

One wild story later, I was freed of my sisters clutches, changed into a small yellow dress and headed with them to the court room, where we then spent another 3 hours with the court debating about Gravia, Trevor and Hunters sentence.

"This is so boring." I muttered to Lunar, while shifting in my chair. "I know, but we need justice." She muttered back, just as the judge started blabbering away again. "I mean it seems like such an easy case. Throw them in jail and be done with it." I laughed quietly and earned some glares from some people in the room.

In the end, justice prevailed and the trio was sentenced to 20 years in jail. As the guards carried them away, Gravia looked back. "Gold, you're just like your stupid mother. This is not over. This is not the last time you will see me." She whispered loudly. With that she was dragged away.


Some time later, dusk had fallen, and I was on a balcony, sitting by a table with scrolls, paper, letters, articles, a quill and an ink pot. I was reading through them and was writing back letters when I heard the balcony door open loudly.

"Hey Gold."

"Oh, hey Kyran."

His dark grey eyes looked me up, and down, and back again. His dark blue hair was picked up by the breeze, but remained perfect and intact. The gash on his arm was bandaged up, which made me feel better.

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