Chapter 16 - Pinkie Swear It

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Thanks to everyone who gave our little game a try! If any of you didn't see, we hosted a little game to see who can guess who wrote chapter 15. The answer was...
That's right! Now we know who to blame for Kyran being friend zoned :p (No hate plz)
Our winner is:
~ AzuriSingz
Keep an eye out for future things like this on our newsfeed! Now on with the chapter :3

I found myself with the black mustang the next morning. Feeding sugar cubes and petting his mane. I've been debating with name all morning.

Zeus? We already had a horse named that.
Midnight? That's a too common name.
Penny? No he looks nothing like a Penny.
Star? No that too much of a classical name.
Moonlight? No that's very very unoriginal.
Tacos? Does horses even like or eat  tacos?
Comet? He is fast, but the name just does not fit.
Pickle Toast? Ew. What kind of a name is that?

"Hey. Someone's busy."

I turn around to see Lunar, carryng a bucket of apples in her left hand, and a small stack of hay in her right. She had pants on, like me. I was planning to go riding of Queen later. A white horse with white mane.

"Hey Lunar. It's been quite awhile since we had a one on one." I say, taking an apple from her bucket and feeding it to my new friend. "Where's Rainbow?"

Lunar shrugged. "She has extra classes with Lady Jane. Something about hair curling lessons." I laughed. "But I thought we could have a you and me day? Sister and sister? We could start training your new friend."

I studied my sisters face. "Lunar. What's wrong." She has dark shadows under her eyes, and her movements weren't as sharp as usual. Lunar sighed and dropped the hay into another horses stall.

"Everything. I can't go one night with sleep. I toss and turn all night. When I do get sleep, it's nightmares. Nothing can seem to go right anymore." A single tear drops onto an apple and rolls off the side.

I pull my sister into a hug, and we stay like that for a little bit.

"Lunar. We are family. And as family we have each other's back. We don't keep anything from each other. Let's tell each other anything and everything." When Lunar sniffs again, I continue. "Try to relax. Funneh's going to be okay, and we are going to get Draco back. No doubt about it. So don't even question it."

"Pinkie swear it."

We lock pinkies and laugh. Like music swirling into the air, lighting up the mood.

Lunar looks me in the eye. "What's wrong in your life Gold?" I shake my head. "Nothing is wrong!" She gives me a look, and I go on and say. "Alright fine. I was talking to Kyran last night, and I just keep getting the feeling I said something wrong."

"Well what did you say and what did he say?"

I rack my brain. "I honestly don't remember."

Lunar sighed. "Boys are complicated creatures sometimes. It's like we are in two different planets. He will come around. Sooner or later."

"Thanks Lunar. I needed that."

We exchange smiles and bird songs fill the barn. I shake my head, waking myself up from this sappy moment. Then, Lunar speaks.

"I realized, what is the black mustang's name?"

"I've been trying to figure if all morning."

A pause.

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