Chapter 3- Rule 1723

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The next day, I met up with Lunar and Rainbow and headed for Lady Jane's room with them for a lesson on some rules. I opened her room to find three history books, three chairs with desks, and one very happy-looking Lady Jane.

I guess she is happy that Funneh and Draco are gone, they were always a handful for her.

"Hello ladies!" She chirped, shooting us a smile. I found this kind of weird. Lady Jane never smiled at us. "Hello Lady Jane. What will we be learning today?" Rainbow asked, clapping her hands. "Well to learn rules, you also understand why the rule were made! So, I have created a plan. We are going to go down history lane and learn about all the rules. Not only that, but also how and why they were created!" Lady Jane announced which such happiness, you would think she would be telling a child to go buy the candy store. "Grab a book and sit down!" I heard Lunar groan behind me as we all collected a book and sat down in-front of a large whiteboard.

"Alright, let's start backwards from the most recent implemented rule. Rule number 1723. 'No witches or wizards allowed within 10 miles of the kingdom.' Turn you books to page 423." As I was flipping the pages to fulfill Lady Jane's request, I saw Lunar's pale face. Huh? Before I could open my mouth to ask if she was okay, Lady Jane started ranting again. "This rule was implemented by your parents actually, when a witch living on the border of the kingdom suddenly casted a spell on the bakery into always burning their bread. The bakery was forced to close the next week and the week after that the owners moved out. When your parents found what happened, all the witches and wizards were given one more chance. But the following day, all of witchcraft people rose up and attacked all together. Your parents had no choice but to ban witches and wizards. Then to protect their kingdom, they then implemented the rule."

Rainbow was nodding and taking notes the whole time, and Lunar looked like she spaced out. I, on the other hand, had a question. "Lady Jane." I asked. "What happens if a witch or a wizard enters the kingdom again?" Lady Jane smiled. "I'm glad you asked. If that happens the witch or wizard is given a chance to leave the kingdom, and if they refuse they are thrown into jail and have their magic taken away." Rainbow's eyes widened. "You can do that?" She asked, shocked. Lady Jane nodded. "We have special handcuffs that block magic, and if you wear it long enough, the effects will be permanent." Lady Jane explained, drawing a picture of handcuffs of the board. They looked like normal handcuffs but with a black diamonds on the lock. We stared at the image. Then, Lunar piped up. "What happens if a witch or wizard is found, hiding as a normal villager, and has been living in the village for a long time?" Lady Jane though for a moment. "They would most likely be thrown in jail insistently and have their magic stripped away." Lunar nodded and sunk back into her seat. "Now, let us move on to rule 1722..."


I stepped out of Lady Jane's room, tired. I don't mind the lessons, but it's just so boring and takes up a lot of time. It was officially night time and I was to head to the dining room. So I made my way down the east spiral steps and entered the dining room. In the centre, there was a long table with chairs that looked like thrones. Doors off the sides lead off into the kitchen, and it's where the servers would come with our food. Rainbow and Lunar were beside me and we all sat down. Lady Jane arrived shortly after and Kyran was forced to attend as part of his duties of "Head Guard" now.

The side doors swung open and servers came out with mashed potatoes and steak. Lunar dug in right away. Rainbow, on the other hand looked weary for a second, but started eating quickly. I called for water and clear liquid was poured into my cup. I took a sip. Lady Jane demanded that Kyran go to the kitchen and gets another fork for her, since hers apparently had a scratch on it. Kyran, rolling his eyes, rose and left to get one.

After he returned we all ate in silence for a while.

"Any plans for after dinner?" Lunar asked, breaking the silence. "I'm going to head to the library and read till bed." Rainbow said, chewing on her steak. "Don't talk with a mouth full of food, Rainbow." Lady Jane said, throwing a sharp look at her. Rainbow quickly swallowed and shot a grin at me. "I have to review the trade routes going east towards Japrina, since there is a reports of a storm rolling in that direction." I said, rubbing my templates. Minor headache. "And since the traders were due to head tomorrow at noon, I have to either cancel the trip or find an alternate route to Japrina."

Lady Jane smiled at me. "I'm sure you will find a way." I blinked at her. "Thanks?" I said , smiling awkwardly. Lady Jane never encouraged us, unless it was during a lesson. I found this strange but decided to ignore it. "You should find an alternate route to Japrina. I hear they have good silk there along with some cultural food. It would be good to help our kingdom." Lady Jane said, spooning up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and shoving it into her mouth. I caught Lunars eye and smiled.

A small headache started back creeping in, so I went to get an ice pack. I returned to the table and finished my potatoes. "Kyran, about our defence..." I started, looking at him. "I have had a fair few ideas, for exampl-"

The room suddenly started spinning. I stood up but wobbled around. The voices were just blurs in the background now. I felt sick. I felt my forehead, and it was burning hot. I felt hands trying to stabilize me. I heard my name being shouted.




The ground suddenly rushed up to me.

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