Chapter 10- Mystery Madness

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I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud bang. Like something had been knocked over out in the hallway.

"Are you trying to wake up the whole palace?"

"You stepped on my foot!"

"Shut up! We need to move more quickly now."

My eyelids felt heavy, and my head was ready to fall back into the pillow again, but this confused me. Those two did not sound like any of the castle staff, or anyone I knew for that matter.

I opened my door just a creek before two fingers blew past my door and down the hallway, silently and swiftly. They seemed to be dressed in all black, but none of the staff outfits were completely black.


I pushed open the door further, letting the moonlight that spilled into my room out into the corridor. Should I warn someone? Yell for help?

Too late for that. They might hear you. So, you have to go after them.

I slipped out of my room, still in my nightgown. I started slowly walking down the hallway, the marble floor chilling my feet. Reminding me of my last midnight wandering.

When you found your parents dead.

I followed the sound of their semi-quiet footsteps and followed them up to the top level, a level I myself have hardly went to. The two people continued to run until they got to a large door locked by a big padlock and code.

"Dude! Hurry up! We don't have all night!" The first voice muttered, handing something to the other. "Alright, alright. You decode it,I'll work on picking the lock." A female voice came out of the second figure. So, a girl and a boy. Interesting.

I was hiding in a crevice in the wall that opened up to a window, which was drawn. Clicks and clanks came from the padlock as it resisted opening. Beeps and bops came from the padlock as the boy tried to decode it. What did that room lead to? I racked my brain for answers.

"I can't decode it." Said the male, throwing what looked like a remote control down the hallway. "Wow. I just unlocked the padlock, and you tell me I have to do more now?"

The padlock fell open with a clunk.

"Sorry. But if you want the jewels."

The jewels...

It felt like electricity shot up my spine and awoke me completely. These were robbers, and they were trying to steal the family's jewels! All mom's old jewelry... and they were after it. If they get through the door, they would be able to pack up, and escape through the window.

How did they get in?

I shook my head. No time for that, but I needed to move. There would be no time to go get someone, as the guard chambers were two stories down. If I yelled for help, I could easily be found. I wore nothing but a nightgown.

I would have to stop them myself.

The female voice grumbled, and I heard the pin pad beep twice, allowing access. I tensed. "We have access." The female voice said. "All thanks to me. Now hurry up before Hunter returns with the books. " Two pairs of footsteps quickly scuffled into the room.

I paused for a moment and then quickly made my way over to the door, hugging the wall. I peeked around the corner and was basically blinded.

The room was a big square made out painted a plank peaceful white colour. A large crystal lamp hung from the ceiling, lighting up the room. Two small windows that gave a glimpse out to the back of the castle. The floor was marble and the room was decked out. Chests lined most of the walls and shelves with gold, silver and jewels. Some glass cases had more valuable items in them, such as crowns, heels, and necklaces. The robbers were already on both sides of the room, and I could get a better glimpse at them.

The girl wore all black, from her black beanie to her black boots. Her dirty blonde hair was curled and pulled back into a ponytail. She had small potato sacks in her hand and was stuffing everything she could into them. Several around her were already filled and waiting.

The man was at the other side of the room, breaking the glass cases and chucking to himself. He was also wearing all back, but under his black hoodie's hood, I managed to glimpse some flaming orange hair, with the edges dyed yellow. He was having a very merry time.

They spent a good 10 minutes, having fun in the treasure room. Stuffing the bags and smashing glass. It was a miracle no one woke up. But what did I do? I just watched them take everything. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, crowns, gold coins, silver coins, emerald, diamond. Everything. The room looked naked and stripped.

"Come on." The girl muttered. "Tie the bags and throw them out the window. Hunter should be able to load them while we get out of here." I watched them tie up all the sacks and heave them over to the one of the windows. There, they threw it out and I heard a distant splash as it landed in the moat.

"Quickly now." The boy and girl started heaving bags out the window in one swift movement. The pile of sacks were depleting and I still had no idea what to do. Do I jump them? Do I go get someone? If I went to get someone, they might be gone before I get back. I don't want to seem like I'm lying.

But before I knew it, the boy and girl were heading my way, arguing. I ducked back into the shadows of my window and watched them walk past me.

I followed them in suit, managing to quickly run to my room to grab a coat and shoes. I then quickly caught up to them and noticed the man had a slice of pie in his hands. They must have raided the kitchen in my absence.


They walked over to an empty room that was used as a storage room. It had bits and pieces of random junk everywhere. They walked over to the window, and heaved themselves up and over. Well, that's one question in life answered.

I followed them in a less graceful way and stayed in the shadows as they looked back round the castle to the back, where a horse- a beautiful black colour- was waiting with a old fashion wagon with a roof. The ones they used to used back in the 1900's.

(I think. 0-0)

A man was also standing there, loading sacks onto the wagon. He beckoned to the two and they followed him to the other side of the wagon, chatting. What I did next was both stupid yet smart. I made a daring dash through open space and somehow managed to jump inside the wagon.

Next thing I knew, I was hiding the in darkness again, and the wagon was moving. My fear had only caught up to me, and I was starting to sweat. 

Well, off with an adventure. I guess.

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