Chapter 9 - Horror Holding

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My screams ripped through the castle, tearing through the halls and ripping people out of their peaceful dreams. Within moments, I had managed to wake up the whole castle.

Pattering feet, people screaming. Nurse Lilacs voice in the distance, or was she right in-front of me? The door banged open, and the sound of the heart monitor in a deadly, long beep. A flat line.

"Someone hand me the paddles! We are loosing her!"

"Hurry! Get her to the ER!"


"Funneh! Oh my goodness!"

"Move out of the way!"

"Live, damn you!"

"Hook her up! Quickly!"

"Someone get the east wing team!"


"Let go of her Gold!"

"You stepped on my foot!"

"We are losing her!"


"She's passing out!"

"The queen is passing out?"

"No! That's the last thing we want."

"Keep her awake! Keep her highness awake!"

"Too late. She's out cold."



Ow, my head. My heart. My life.

"Hey... are you alright?"

I peeled my eyes open. It was cold. Feathers, white like angel wing feathers, floated down from the unseeable sky and landed around me, no sound. White, no matter where I looked, or how far I looked, it was all white. Below me, above me, beside me, behind me, in front of me. Endless, white, and leading nowhere.

"Are you ok?"

That sound, it sounded like music to my ears. I looked up. Two silhouettes talking to each other, not even noticing me. No, I was not okay. But no one cares. Because I am queen and I am suppose to be strong. Careless, and independent.

"I'm okay."

Two voices. They sounded so close. So close to my heart.
Two voices. I have been listening to for my whole life.
Two voices. I might never hear again.

"Draco, where are we?"

"Funneh... I don't know."

Tears were now flooding my eyes. Channeled from my heart into liquid. Pouring my heart out. For a moment, a precious moment, I thought they were okay.

"I thought I killed you."

"I must be calling from heaven then."

" I'm sorry."

"Don't be.";

"I am."

They were walking now. Walking towards me. I got up from my place on the ground and stood up. I'm here. I'm right here now. I'm okay. You're okay! It's going to okay. I opened my arms out as if to give a hug.

They walked right through me. Through my wide open arms. Like I was not there. Like I was a nobody. Which I am.

"Funneh, it's going to be okay."

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