Chapter 12- Moonlight Mayhem

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I shook my head. "That's impossible!" I screamed and I finally managed to stand up and look this dreadful excuse of a women in the eyes.

She's lying, she has to be lying.

Gravia gave me a coy smile, and got right up in my face, looking down at me. "Seems like the impossible just became possible." I wanted to punch her face into outer space.

Mom did mention someone named Gravia once...

"I met your mother in high school, back when she was stand-able. We used to hang out together. Studying at a local boba restaurant. Reading in the school library. Some might go as far as to call us best friends. But times change." Garvia mused, staring at the sky, one hand in her bottom lip.

"After all, she took something from me."

Silence hung over the camp, and she was staring at me, as if expecting me to ask what she took. I stood it as long as I could, but finally broke down and asked.

"What did she take?"

She stepped closer to me, and grabbed my chin. I resisted, but she forced me to tilt my head up at her. I avoided her eye contact and she released me, pushing me back. I fell backwards and had to strain my ears to hear what she said next.

"She took Pablo. My Pablo."

I was shocked. "Dad?" She glared at me and said in a small voice. "My suppose to be husband." She gave me a forced evil smile. "She acted like everything was fine when she told me! Even though she knew me and Pablo had been together and had only just broken up, she just comes bounding up to me with that sick voice of hers squealing 'Me and Prince Pablo are a thing now!'" She said, saying the last part in a high squeaky voice.

Trevor and Hunter laughed, and I jumped. I had almost forgotten they were even there. But Gravia continued. "I acted like everything was okay, and even went to her wedding 2 years later! Where Hope appointed me godmother of all you little brats! If she wasn't dead right now, I would dig her back up. You are lucky you were all old enough to live on your own, or else I would have to feed all your mouths!"

I was suddenly yanked up, and hands were forced behind my back. I felt something twisting around my hands, binding them together. I could see Trevor's hair to my left, forcing me down. I let out a scream that pierced the night.

"Now we cant let you run around spilling all the bean can we?" Trevor said, giving Hunter, who was about to walk back inside, a look. "And you know what. You should be able to get us a fair few more gold coins." I winced, knowing what the robbers were up too.

Queen Gold's gonna get it now...

"You read my mind Trevor. Hunter, get some paper and a pen and start the ransom note. Say we demand 1 thousand pieces of gold for their Queen...'Gold' back." She laughed to herself. "Am I not just hilarious."

I shook my head. "No... not at all." She threw me a look that made me recoil. "No one asked your your opinion, your highness." She said, spitting onto the ground by her feet, then looking up at the moon. "It's around 5am. Trevor, we better get her settled and ready for bed." I was slightly impressed.

I was roughly dragged into the back of the cave where I was shoved in one corner and tied to a rock. I squirmed, and tried to resist, but was given the look of death by Gravia, so I stopped.

I watched the crew scuffle around, getting ready for the night. Trevor was putting out the fire with buckets of river apparently close to here. Hunter was out with the mustang, apparently "feeding" it. Gravia was sitting down and sorting through all the sacks, pulling out everything thing one at a time and studying them.

Soon, they were all gathered around a smoking fire and murmuring to each other, shooting glances everywhere and giving me looks from time to time. Then they pulled out blankets from nowhere and started covering themselves with them. It was at that time when I could see the sun was starting to rise.

"Hunter, you take first watch."

Soon, Trevor and Gravia were snoring, and Hunter was still up, playing with sticks and looking tired. He started to get blurrier and blurrier, then I slipped into a small slumber.


I was shaken awake by rough hands and a gruff voice. The cave was full of light now, and Hunter and Trevor were sound asleep on the floor.

"Get up."

I started to slowly wake up, and found myself in in my restraints, with Gravia standing in front of me, looking triumph. By her feet she had a crate, that was staring to chip away.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?"

She opened the lid and drew out a bottle, of red liquid that seems to be fizzing. The label was turned away from me, and Gravia unscrewed the lid. She drew the bottle to my lips and I recoiled, scared. But she grabbed my head and forced down the drink.

The results were instant. Like pain shooting through my veins. It was like fire slowly taking me over. I screamed loudly and struggled against my restrains. Gravia gave me a satisfied look.

"Fire Liquor. We got them at a far-away kingdom. We usually use it for answers. But we can make exceptions." Gravia explained, forcing more of it in my mouth. It burned my insides and made me want to scream.

I was slowly starting to black out. The world was slowly tipping over, sliding from the left to the right, then back again. Gravia's twisted smile was growing large, then small, and I could barely follow her lips when she started speaking.

"Good night Gold. I'm sure you will be meeting your mother soon."

I slowly tipped into the darkness, letting it swallow me and pull me down.


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