Chapter 7- Secrets and A Plan

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I blinked once, twice. It took me a few moments to remember where I was. Right, my bedroom.

I twisted around for any sign of any other memory bubbles, but there were none. Thank god, I don't think I can take any emotional rollercoaster down my past. Why would anyone do this to me? Who did this, anyway?

Draco. Of course. He knows the best way to hurt me.

I couldn't help feeling relieved that none of my other siblings had witnessed the power of memory bubbles; it would've left them as an emotional mess- not that I'm not.

Without thinking, I burst out of my room in just my nightgown and slippers, not caring who saw me. Knocking on Rainbow's door, I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down.

Her door cracked open and I barged in. Rainbow's weary face turned into a look of surprise, which turned into a look of concern in seconds. "Gold? Oh, Gold, what's wrong, sweetie?" She asked as I flung myself at her, bailing.

I don't even think Rainbow knows what memory bubbles were, due to them being confidential information, so I just hugged her tightly. Rainbow, being the amazing sister she is, hugged me back without asking any further questions.

That night, I slept in Rainbow's room. We tried calling for Lunar, but the maids couldn't find her. If I had to guess, I'd say she was huddled in her room, studying one of the many weird witch-y books she has.

I'd caught her murmuring while reading them a while ago, and when I asked her about it, she'd said she liked to say the words aloud while reading. I guess it's a kind of stress-relieving activity for her.

I wanted to sleep outside of Funneh's patient-room. Trust me, I really did, but the Nurse Lilac wouldn't allow it since it was beyond visiting hours. I'd tried to demand her by the order of the queen, but she threatened to also put me in the hospital for "stress anxiety" or something like that. I couldn't afford to stay in a hospital bed for who knows how long, so I backed down.


The next morning, I woke up to the sun's first rays of light as it rises up. Rainbow was still fast asleep, so I carefully eased myself out of bed and exited her room.

I woke up earlier than usual, which was saying something. I was always the first to wake in my family, but this morning, I doubt anyone was awake, other than me.

My feet took me to the roof balcony, which was located at the top of the castle overlooking the entire village and beyond for any signs of danger.

When I got there, I was surprised to see someone else was already awake and up there.

The person heard me coming and turned his head.

It was Kyran. (Smexy dark blue hair dude ;))

"Hello, your highness." He said, with a bit of mockery in his voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Hello, head-guard-of-the-royal-army-aka-Kyran."

He grinned at me. "Has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?"

I walked up to stand beside him, overlooking the kingdom. "Not as much as the-most-annoying-person-ever"

Kyran nodded, as if he was actually taking that into consideration. "Hmm, kind of hard to choose, don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes again, but couldn't help the smile that was dying to show itself.

"So, what are you doing up here?" He asked, looking out again.

"The sun woke me up. I had nothing better to do, so I decided to take a stroll and somehow ended up here."

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