Chapter 20 - Never Say Never

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A/N by C: This chapter is sponsored by Justin Bieber. Go listen to his new hit single- JK. You can but only after you read this chapter :p

The impact vibrated through the castle and knocked me off my feet. Kyran caught me as I fell and swung me up, bridal-style.


He quickly placed me back down but helped me stand. "We need to get you somewhere safe." He said, as if talking to himself. "What about you?" I asked, placing a hand on his arm. "I'm a guard. Throwing myself in danger to save you is what I do."

My heart throbbed at those words. "What about my sisters? What about Funneh?" He grabbed my hand and started running, leading me away from the hall. "I'll deal with that." He said.

"Rosemary!" The pink haired pigtailed maid jumped, clearly on edge because of the bang. "Rosemary, I need you to get the queen somewhere safe... anywhere!" Kyran yelled. Another loud bang exploded through the castle and small bits of rocks crumbled off the ceiling. I screamed.

My crown flew off my head and bounced away. I did not scramble after it. Instead I watched as Kyran sprinted away, bellowing orders and pulling out his sword. Rosemary took my hand and started pulling me. "Where are we going?" I asked.

She turned back to me. "We can leave the castle from the back and hide in the woods. Not the best plan, but it's all we got." She said.

Everything was a blur. Nothing. I was running, with no idea where my sisters were, or a solid plan. We passed by the hospital quarter, and I managed to glance inside. Doctors and maids were all panicking inside. I saw a few maids along them too. Daniella was one of them. I tried to spot my sister, but Rosemary pulled me along.

More bangs started happening everywhere. Explosions and things hitting the castle, making it shake and tremble. Like things were being thrown at it. I stopped at a nearby window and glanced outside.

Draco, his eyes glowing white, was in midair, levitating, his arms wide open. Surrounding him in the sky, were chunks of dirt and rock, houses and trees. He was launching everything at the castle, chuckling. Below him, an army, of what seemed like thousand of hundreds of monsters were fighting and changing more people to join them. I wanted to launch myself out to help them. But Draco looked at my window, and smiled.

Ah snap.

Multiple bang and crashes. More screams. A big dark figure zooming towards me and Rosemary. She pulls me out of the way, and we are running again. "New plan!" She huffed, panting and running faster to keep up speed with me. "We hide, anywhere, and lose him." I hear the glass of the window shatter behind me.

Don't look back, you idiot.

We both ran up a flight of stairs, and turn into another hallway. I'm shocked. This one is completely...blocked. Huge parts of the castle's wall caved in and was completely covered the path. We both turn back to see Draco landing on the floor and chuckling.

We are trapped.

I'm pushed over and onto the floor. I scream. I see dust flying everywhere. No sign of Rosemary. I hope she went for help. My hands are forced down and I kick with all my strength. But my attempts are feeble and Draco simply grunts. He is on top of me. I scream again.

Draco licks his lips. "No one to help you now. No Funneh to block my shots. Just you and me, sister. If I can even call you that." He stands up, but I'm terrified. I scream at myself to move, but I can't. My body won't let me. "This. Ends. Now." Draco declares. A firing sphere of red appears in his hand. "I won't even bother turning you into a monster." The red light illuminates his face as he looks down at me. 

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