Chapter 18 - Etched in Ink

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I watched Alec's retreating back flew from the hospital wings, and out the door. Kyran bolted after him, abandoning his position. Sure they hated each other at the moment, but they also could tell when they need each other the most.

I looked down at my sister pale face, and was surprised to see a small wet puddle rolling down her cheek. Before I realized I was crying.


I turned my head back up, flicking away the tears and standing up straight. "Kyran can remain head guard, and Alec can move up to second-in-command. Maybe until he is proven trust worthy."

I turn to Daniella, who'd just came in, looking after where Alec had gone off in confusion. "Please deliver that message to them." She gives a quick nod and makes for the door.

"And Daniella..." She hesitates and turns back around to face me. "Thank you." She shoots a warm smile, sweeps her braid onto one shoulder, and rushes out of the room.

"Nurse Lilac, please go with her and see to Alec's wounds." Another pair of footsteps leave the room.

"Lunar, can you go alert the guards that don't know Alec's back? Tell them the story, and get them to meet with Kyran." I look back down at my basically-dead sister. "Do it now please..." I hear her chair scrape, and her standing up, and leaving the room too.

I meet Rainbows eyes, and she meets mine. "Rainbow..." She shakes her head. "Anything, I'll do anything." "It's ok... I can do it." I quickly say, not wanting her to do anything. Rainbow furiously shakes her head. "I want to do it. Please." I slowly nod my head.

"Can you go find Lady Jane and inform her of these changes? Then, can you head down to the kitchen and get some food for Alec? The poor man ness some real food to satisfy his stomach!" Rainbow stood up, and swept out of the room.

I looked down at Funneh. Was I lazy for making my sisters do work? Here, I was grieving over my sister, who could very well be dead. Dead. I press my fingers to her neck, just to make sure. Ok. Still a beat.

I got up, and my first instinct was to go to Kyran, and start talking defence. But he was probably really busy at the moment. I decided to head up to the post tower. With a heavy heart, I swiftly sweep out of the hospital quarters.

I entered the post tower, one of our 5 towers we had looming over the castle. It was a small, cozy and circular room, with hay piled in a corner. About a dozen cages lined the walls, but only 2 pigeons were in them. A desk lay in the corner, with papers scattered on them. A ladder lay against the wall to the right of the desk, leading up to a trapdoor. Boxes were nailed onto the wall, had labels on them. Small rectangular windows had mesh nets on them, to help prevent pigeons flight for freedom if they somehow gotten out of there cage. Bags of seeds were everywhere.


"Your highness! Up here."

I stride over to the ladder and start to pull myself up (which proves difficult, my flats were already killing me) and push the trapdoor open. Bright light streamed in and I pulled myself up and closed the door behind me. Matthew was up here, pigeon on his left arm. He was trying a scroll to the pigeons foot.

Matthew wore a simple green leather tunic, with a belt that went around the middle. His long black pants and his brown shoes reminded me of the medieval times. His spikes jet-black hair was carefree and blooming around in the breeze.

"Hello Matthew!"

"How are you on this fine pleasant day?"

"I'm great thanks! Did you get the scrolls and envelopes I sent with Daniella?"

"My wife Hannah collected them from her, and this is the last one I need to send." He replies, sending the pigeon aloft and into the sky.

I sat down on a crate and glanced around. Here, a small wall with a stone block every so often lined around me. There was a small bag of seeds up here, along with a bucket of water. Crates were everywhere, and I knew they stored more supplies or letters.

Matthew sat down on another crate and looks up at the endless blue sky's dotted with white cotton balls. "You have gotten a letter back, your highness. Allow me to go get it." I give him a swift nod and he descends into the trapdoor. He's back up in a few moments. It's from Japrina.

I open the envelope and quickly scan the letter. I groan. "What's wrong?" I sigh and tilt my head back to the sky. "Japrina. They delayed their part of the trade for another month because of the 'bad weather'." I say. Matthew looks up at the sky. "I think I know they are lying." I chuckle. "I guess I'm upset, since we already send our part of the trade."

I soak in the sunshine, letting it fill me up with warmth and satisfaction. Me and Matthew remain up here for a long time. He furrows his eyebrows. "Looks like another letter your highness!" I shoot up and watch as Matthew runs forward to collect the pigeon. "There are two scrolls... interesting. This is the pigeon I sent to Crystialia. They don't use this type of parchment." He says holding up the one scroll, that was slightly darker then the other.

I collected both scrolls and sat down to read them, as Matthew heads down with the pigeon, to allow him (or her) to rest. I rip open the lighter scroll. It's just a reply to my letter to Queen Alexandria asking for some bandages and healing supplies. She then wrote back that she would send someone tomorrow.

I opened the second scroll. This one looked ripped around the edges. Frail. Slightly darker then the first. I pry it open, and read it:

ㄩ尺几 丂丨丂ㄒ乇尺.
ㄩ尺几  ㄖ山几 ㄒㄖ 卂丂乇丂.

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