1. The First Incident

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Spiderman swings away from the blast that threatened to kill him from behind.

Loki had another plan to 'rule the world' but what was weird that he just kind of said it. Loki walked into their living room and said "Going to rule the world now!" and left-

Why or how he was there the Avengers still have no clue. They managed to find his location, which was a giant castle in the middle of a forest. How they did not notice before is beyond them, but they sent the one person they knew that would dodge as many bullets as they were shooting at them. Spiderman.

He stumbled upon a door that looked to lead to some kind of throne room. When he walked in, he was right.

There sat Loki. Looking very, VERY bored. As if Spiderman should have gotten there quicker. Well kind of hard when you only have the powers of a spider while the enemies you're fighting is a fucking god with magic!

He starts to swing his way through, fighting the clones or whatever Loki could make at the moment.

"It's over now Loki!" Spiderman yelled as the last clone was defeated, he made a way to swing to him but-

Loki then smirks. A kind of seductive smirk to be exact. The hero was slightly confused, decided to ignore it as Loki being Loki, when-

"I wonder if you're as handsome as you sound~"


That caught him off guard.

And he didn't make a web in time and falls face-first into the cement with a comedic SPLAT.

As if it wasn't humiliating enough. Loki gets up from his throne. And starts to walk. But not just that. Walks right over Spiderman.

He then just, walks out of the room and goes somewhere else.

"I hate you." Spiderman only mumbled into the ground.


As if the situation couldn't be any more humiliating Loki manage to escape and the fucking castle just- disappeared the second Spiderman set foot outside to meet the Avengers.

He had to explain how the God of Mischief got away. Well more like lie. "Yeah, he just... Kind of... Disappeared and... Yeah, I'm going with that."

Well, it's not 100% a lie. When he got up and ran after him, he was nowhere in sight.




SpidermanXLoki: God damn it Loki...Where stories live. Discover now