This Is Not Really What I Expected... 1. I Know My Ways~

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[5 the God of Mischief knows what to say and one time he didn't...]

Now you might be asking me- "Loki, why?  Just why?" I'll tell you why! I was bored, as simple as that.

I laid around on my couch, flipping through channel after channel. I turn off the T.V and hissed. Laying flat on my back, I think to myself.

"What to do now... No, I already did that... and that..." I sat straight up. "Got it!" With a snap of my fingers I had my normal attire on and teleported myself to the Avengers tower. I chuckled lightly, waiting to see if an alarm would go off.



I soon walked into the living room. "Going to rule the world now!" I teleported before they get to respond.

This should be fun~


I made an illusion, my biggest and most stunning one yet, this will make me weak for the next month but it will be worth it! I made a caste, filled with all types of traps. They're not really dangerous because there fake, but they will still hurt like Hel.

As I sat on my 'throne', I watched through my green portal as they barged in.

The second they set foot traps of all kinds, aimed at them, to the point that they left.



So maybe I went a little overboard.

I sigh tiredly. They'll be back, or at least someone will be back.


That someone was Spiderman. I don't know much about the hero, and I only truly 'interacted' with him a few years ago. Honestly, I thought he would get here faster. I will admit it was slightly amusing to just sense how annoyed the hero was for him to notice how irritated I was.

"It's over now Loki!" He yells. Oh, what a generic thing for a hero to say. But there was something I just couldn't help but notice. His voice was quite lovely, makes me wonder~

As my thoughts continued to fill my mind I didn't notice I started to smirk till the Spider's face grew in confusion. I knew the perfect thing to say.

"I wonder if you're as handsome as you sound~"

I can practically see the hero's eyes grow wide as he then falls face-first to the ground with a loud splat. Oh, that's gotta hurt, but I know it wouldn't hurt for long.

So I took it upon myself to get up, and walk right over him. Making sure my heels dig into his back before I leave him, and the room.

"I hate you." I heard him mumble as I closed the door behind me.


The second he stepped out I discontinued my illusion and didn't stay long to teleport home and drop to my bed. Man I was tired. I was one of the best sources in all the nine realms, but even I get weak.

Without realizing, I fall asleep.




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