6. Enough Is Enough

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A week later, the second the Avengers had a lead on where Loki was, Spiderman was the first to go after him. He wants answers! And he's going to get them god damn it! Probably literally god damn it.

The hero followed the villain into the abandoned apartment, which was creepy as hell but this would not be the first time honestly.

Loki runs into a room and Spiderman followed. The god stops and turns to him. "Nowhere to run now," Spiderman said.

"Oh yes, really." He starts to smile. But it was not the jokey smile or mischievous smile, it's the one that sends shivers down your spine. "There's nowhere to escape. Especially for you, Peter Parker."

It took a second to process it.

Took a second for Spiderman to process that his name, his full name, slipped past the other's lips.

"H-h-how?" His knees were buckling, he felt cold all of a sudden as his chest tightened. His throat dried. Oh man, he feels like he would faint with how much the room was spinning.

"I am not stupid my dear Spider~" he starts to walk toward him, Spiderman was frozen, but no longer the flustered freezing. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. "It was easy after a while. I won't get into detail." He was right in front of him.

He chuckles. Before Loki got to say another word, Spiderman's spidey sense went off, and the floor below them broke.

Loki yelps and with no second thought, Spiderman grabbed him around the waist and shot a web up, the ceiling above them caved in and the two fell.

Loki with no other thought instantly wrapped his arm around the other's neck. The hero heard his scream get caught in his throat.

Just then Spiderman shot another web, and they did not hit the ground. Took him a second to realize they were both hanging inches off the bottom floor. Well basement, and his web was hanging off the 20 story ceiling.

Spiderman didn't make a movement, and waited for Loki to realize where they were. He opens his eyes and his hicced breathing slowed to something much more paced and even. Spiderman took the sigh and let go of the web.

Loki stares at him. His helmet long gone as Spiderman could only stare back.

Second of silence.


"Well look who fell for me~" Spiderman was shocked. Because that phrase did not come out of the other, but out of his own mouth. Loki's face became completely red. His lips in a tight line while his eyes widen slightly, pupils becoming smaller.

His other hand, that was holding onto the web, went to the other's hips, who jumped. "I know you said you want to rip my mask off, but man without your stupid horn helmet you so much more kissable." He was talking. Talking without thinking.

The look on Loki's face was priceless. The way his lips slightly parted to say something only for nothing but a wind to go through, how his eyes froze in place and his redness became deeper. His fingers digging into his shoulder which god made Peter's mind go to places.

Everything else in between was a blur, for the hero's mask was gone and he had a god up against a wall, his hands gripping onto his waist as his hips were against his. The other's hands gripped the back of his neck, pulling him close. As if lip pushed together and tongues tangling was not close enough.

The fingers slip into her hair, gripping his hair and pulling at them. The red and blue hero's fingers slid up his side then down. One hand stopped where it started, but the other side lower.

A clear gasp was heard which turned into a moan when thrust on to him. "Peter-" god he needs to stop before Thor finds him doing something to his brother he would not appreciate.

He separated the kiss, a saliva trail following and dripping down their chins. They open their eyes. The hero saw dizzy and blurry green eyes staring at him. Even in his state, he can still see the mischief and power in them. God he's beautiful.

Spiderman placed his hand to cut the back of his neck, Loki kept his hands where they were as they both breathed heavily.

"You know where Joe's Pizza is?" Loki tilts his head, oh god he was cute now. He expected a no, but was pleasantly surprised to hear-

"Yes. Why?"

"Tomorrow. I'm done with work at 7. We can have dinner. Sounds good?"

"Wait... Are you asking me out?" He raised a brow.

"No." Loki gave a bored expression. "Obviously yeah, you said you wanted dinner before I did anything rough to you, didn't you?" It was hard to not smirk to Loki when his jaw dropped and eyes widened. A small "Ah-" comes out. "Is that a yes or no?"

"Uh- th-that is fine with me."

"Alright, dress casually. If you come in with a suit I'm going to throw something at you." And rip it off, but he doesn't admit that out loud.

Loki rolled his eyes."Of course. It's a fucking pizza place." Another thing he never thought he would see/hear Loki do; swear words.

"Good." Spiderman lets go of him and walks back, he finds his mask and puts it on. When he looks back he still sees Loki there, not really moving. "See you tomorrow."

"Y-yeah... I-uh..."

"You are so cute~" Loki glared at him. Spiderman took that as a sign to leave.

The Avengers came by and saw no Loki, nor Spiderman. They thought they left, thinking nothing more of it.




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