3. "Don't You Dare Touch Me!"

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A month later after the whole event with Arachnid-Boy , I been home all that time. No need for mischief really grew so I had no reason to do anything.

No, the feeling that grows, as much as I hate to say, was loneliness.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet. Looking at the mirror, seeing the woman that stands before me. I decided today was a good night for something to get in my stomach.

Through the closet, I found a green dress, tight but not so much that it 'hugs my body' with a black jacket to go over it. I put on some flat, and went to the bar.

I'm kidding. Yes, sometimes I would go there, but only if I wanted to steal someone's wallet from some unexpected drunk, but today was not that day.

I went out to an ice cream store. 

They were close this time around, but the young lady that worked the counter and did the closing was a fine-


Ok, I'll say it, she's a good friend of mine. She lets me in and lets me sit in peace. Sometimes she would join me. Today I was glad she did.

Once I was done with my snack and felt like I had enough socializing, the girl finished her last chore and we both left. I walked her home, despite her placing being the exact opposite of mine, she didn't feel safe leaving at night. And I was glad to be there to protect her.

She was a good girl, people like her make me like mortals a little more.

Once she was home safely I left to walk to my home. I knew I could just teleport, but it was nice. The night sky. Even though you couldn't see much of it, it was still a nice atmosphere, the clouds hovering over the moonlight.

After 15 to 20 moments, I spot a man leaning against a wall. He turned to me and I knew he was intoxicated. I passed a bar not too long ago so I know at one point I was going to pass at least one of them.

The problem seemed to have tried to go home but stopped and was now leaning against a wall, ready to pass out. Till he stops a goddess. Literally, but he of course does not know that.

He walks up to me and I cross my arms.

"Hey there lady~ *hic* how about we go about we go back to my place fo-r some *hic* fun~" He reached his arm out, but he didn't even get to touch me before my fist collided with the center of his face.

He falls, passed out. And people like him make me hate mortals a little more. 

I heard someone drop from behind me, "Wow. That was cool." It made me feel warm inside. Normally at this point some hero would say "Violence is not the solution!" so this was a nice change of pace.

When I turned I saw the man himself, or should I say- the  Spider-man himself. He looked stunned. It seemed the longer I stood there the more stunned he looked. Made me feel this warmth in my stomach again. 

"Of course. I'm sure you know who I am~" I flipped some of my hair back so he could have a better look at my face. He started to tilt his head. Oh right, not many hero's know I'm genderfluid.

"Sorry ma'am, I don't think I know who you are." I huffed, I don't know why but I did feel slightly hurt by that.

"Sure you don't." I replaced my stance a bit. I can see his little brain working as he tries to piece who I am.

"Yeah, I really don't know. Who are you? You don't have to be all mysterious and ominous, just tell me a name. Or don't! I'm not one to go into other personal business." I couldn't help but smirk.

Oh but that's what I'm all about~ But I don't say that, I decided to give his head a small break instead. "Oh, just a mischievous goddess~" I'm very good at reading people, so well I know when people blink. So the second I thought he did I disappear.

I sighed tiredly, snapped my fingers to get the outfit off me, and plopped down to bed.




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