4. Spiderman's Poor Stomach

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A week later, when Spiderman thought everything was going back to normal, mainly because Loki didn't take the opportunity to flirt with him that last time, nonetheless when he was alone with him. Maybe that was a good sign!

Why did he have to jinx himself?

Loki was sighted in an apartment building. Thor caught him but thought it would be best to sneak in to see what he was planning. For once his plan was not to barge in hammer smashing everything and making Tony have to pay for his damage.

Since Thor was really not good at that, unfortunately for the Spider, who just so happened to pass by. And he's too nice to tell him no.

There he is, crawling through Loki's window and now in his living room. He saw books everywhere and magical items that his spider and common sense told him not to touch.

He took the opportunity to make his way around. Looking through to see if he can find anything.



Nothing that made him worry at least. Seems like this is just a resting place for when Loki is not trying to kill everyone. He was just confused. He stood there, no longer on guard as he read through some notebooks to see if there was a plan.

Not realizing he was being watched for a solid 10 minutes.

Till that voice finally spoke.

"You know it's rude to break into people's homes, right?" Spiderman froze. He turns, ready for a fight, only to freeze for the second time that minute.

Loki is a handsome man, no doubt about it. But to see him no longer in his goofy outfit, calling him handsome now seemed pitiful.

He was wearing some jeans, and a baggy green hoodie, which is something the spider thought he would never see him in. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

Loki's long black hair falls down in all strands, and all over his forehead. Like they don't know which decision to point at.

His facial structure was much more visible, especially since now the situation was not from far away, or in a fight. His eyes were much more calmer, still had mischief in them, but it didn't feel like he would jump at you with a snake in one hand and a knife in the other.

His smirk was cute, the way he managed to have one side lifted up without looking weird and slightly showed some teeth.

Spiderman could not stop staring at him. Oh god... Literally!

Loki starts to huff out a chuckle. "I know I'm lovely to look at, but I would like an answer on why you're here. But I feel like I can guess."

He gets off the wall and walks towards him, Spiderman gets on guard. See's the other's eyes turned from cute to dangerous.

"My brother saw me walk in huh?"

"Why are you here? Don't you hate Midgard."

"I do! I don't want to be here. But I've been basically homeless for the last 20 years, plus it's easier to get a place here. It's cheaper, and only a very small percentage of people know how I look."

"You were homeless?" An aching feeling grew in his stomach, but it was quickly replaced from a kick to his stomach.

The hero jumps from the floor when Loki tries to step on him. He attaches himself to the wall and pushes himself off, sending a kick his way which he backed away from. Spiderman made a spin kick only for Loki to duck and tackle him.

They tumble over and Spiderman manages to pin him down, stomach to the floor. He puts his leg on his back and held both arms behind his back. "Call Thor." His suit (He added in the feature) called him.

"Yes Spider?"

"Come in! Quickly! I have Loki d-down!" Loki squirms under him. Trying to free his arms. Man, sometimes Peter forgets he has the strength of a god.

"I will be right there with the others!"

"No just- He hung up on me..." Spiderman, the only guy who gets hung up by the Thunder God himself.

He feels Loki trying to free himself once more, and apply pressure onto his back and arm to keep him still. He really wanted to use his webs to hold him still, but knows the second he tries Loki would escape.

A minute later and Loki once more tries to squirm free. The Spider puts his full body weight to keep him down, what happened next, Spiderman has no idea if it was maybe his fault, or if the god was trolling him, but Loki gasped. A very sexual gasp.

The kind where it's deep in your throat, where you breathe out but catch it half way and leave out a small half wince. Did not help that Spiderman saw his eyes grow wide which gave all the wrong signals!

With no other thought, he gets slightly off him which gave the villain room to free his arm and elbow him in the stomach full force. There is going to be bruised by morning.

The Avengers walk into a room with no Loki or his belongings, and Spiderman on the ground clenching his stomach.

"I think I'm going to puke..." he said as Captain America helped him up.




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