4 ½. It's Only Fair...

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The incident forced me to go into hiding for a bit. Which was really annoying because I was already so weak at this point. I'm not one to hold grudges, but this one I held. I had to be constantly on my toes, watching my back to make sure the Avengers wont on my tail.

This situation put a pit of anger in me, I'm not going to lie.

One night, as I sat in the living room of the girl who works at the ice cream shop (I told her a lie that I was kicked out of my apartment and she's letting me stay till I find a new place), when I knew the night was asleep, even though I should be resting up and healing my wounds, I took my time to turn into a Megpie. A beautiful but sneaky bird.

And flew out of the window.

I spent a good half hour trying to find the red and blue hero. At one point I felt like giving up and calling it a night. I was very tired.

Till I saw them web by super quickly, making the landline I sat on shake and forcing me into the air.

It was like he was testing me! No no Loki, stay calm. He doesn't know it was you. Don't blow you cover over as something as stupid as anger.

So with a deep breath, I took after him.

After 3 hours of following him (Does this man ever sleep!?) He finally started to slow down and stopped on a wall near a window. The man looked around, before going into their apartment.


I flew nearby and sat on a nearby railing. He turns the lights on and I see him walking by the window, pulling his suit off before disappearing from view. I groaned in frushashion as he kept walking past the window.

"Let me see your face for nors sake!"

Finally, what felt like forever, the hero ripped the mask off and-

"Peter Parker?" I heard about him from the news. Well from what I heard skimming through the news. This man is a genius. Almost as smart as Stark. Maybe smarter. I should have guessed that the spider with a similar infinite amount of webs should be a millionaire.

I could feel the smirk widen on my face. "I have you no-" I froze.

The hero got up from their spot and I got a full view on the man's chest. His light, almost tan skin. The defined muscles that are even more visible. A couple of bruises and scars here and there but they somehow make him more attractive.

Oh Nors, my mind was filled with thoughts that were very inappropriate. 

I shook my head forcefully and flew quickly away. Trying to not think about him as I fell asleep.


Yeah it did not work...




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