5. "Buy Me Dinner First~"

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Two weeks past and my powers were fairly back to normal. Of course, I couldn't just go do something dramatic so I decided to test my limits on a simple, but effective spell. Turning things into ice cream.


Okay that's not the original spell, I edited myself. But who doesn't like ice cream? Not even the Avengers can get mad at me for this one~

But the Avengers aren't who I want to get in contact with. I want it to be the Spider. I, of course, wasn't filled with the anger I had before, but I wanted to tease him a bit before I go for my plan.

I was going to hurt him. Or at the very least use him for my own use. Being able to connect with powerful people on Midgar would be very good for me. Especially with all the investment the Spider probably has. So he would be useful.

But I would be lying if I didn't say my plan gave me a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. But I ignore it. After the humiliation, I needed revenge. But I'm not merciless. So I'll tease him for a bit.

Keep him on edge till I get my plan through, and keep him close.

Very close.

Oh Norse I would love to have him so close. Having that strong body against mine. His warm skin on top of my cold ones. The man's teeth on my nec-

Focus, Loki, focus!

I shake my head quickly and manage to make the blush go down when I hear someone land behind me.  

"Loki! Stop what you are doing right now! Or we will do this the hard way!"

"Oh!-" I cut myself off before I let the "Please do~" Out. 

Once I was sure my face wasn't red I turned quickly so it didn't seem like I was lingering. But I left my normal smirk on my face. Decided I will still respond with a cocky sentest. "What may the hard way be~?" I can practically see every bone in the spider shiver. Good, I gain back control~

"My foot to your stomach! Call it karma. You know there's an ice cream shop not too far from here." I huffed. Way to ruin the mood. I leaned on one leg and let my hand on my hip. I can see him shift but I ignore it for now.

"Oh come on, it's a little funny. Is it not?" I put a hand on my chest, smirking at the spider who starts to think a bit. One hand on their chin.

"Kind of. But cars are expensive, man!"

"Would you rather have a car or ice cream?" I hummed. I see him lighten up, looking slightly up like he was agreeing with me. But I don't let him say anything as I shove my hands into the cold substance, and throw it at his face.

He dodges the first one. But not the second one. Which was honestly comedic time so I couldn't stop my laughter from rising.

My laughter stopped when I heard the shot of webs. Like the hero before me, I dodge the first one, but not the second one. He took no time to pull, making me fall.

I watch him jump towards me so I quickly duck away and get up. Immediately going for a kick when the spider hit the ground as I made contact, he grabbed my foot.

I growled slightly so with as much force, as I pulled my leg back then hit him right in the face.

The spider shot one right as he laid his footing at my hand. I didn't expect him to react so quickly as he pulled me forward right into his first. He kicked me in the side which made me hissed in pain.

I saw his first about to come back up so I grabbed his suit, and threw him as far from me so I could to gain my bearings.

I saw him get up quickly which was starting to annoy me at this point. So I start to blast at him. The Spider was definitely putting up more of a fight. I have to give him credit for that.

Unknowingly Spiderman got close enough and tried to kick me, I dodged it, he punched me where my ribs were. It didn't break but Nors it hurt. Allowing me to get kicked in the face.

I heard my helmet hit the ground with a clink and the world around me spinned when I opened my eyes so I closed them again. I slowly get up, a hand on my head.

"Give up now?" His voice had a hint of mockery in them.

Some anger starts to fill my stomach. "How dare he mock me!" despite the dizzying feeling I teleported right behind him. Surprising him. 

Unfortunately, it didn't go my way before the man punched me and then pinned me against a wall for good measure. Honestly, a side of me wished him pinning me was a different situation.

We were both tired, I can see. So I didn't try to fight back and take the time to rest up against the wall. The hero grabs my collar.

"Don't- move." He lets out a shaky breath. "Or I'll punch you again," A thought came up, so of course I said it.

"Kinky, but I'm not really into hitting~" I huff. "You could have at least bought me dinner first~" Like that, the hero was frozen, and I punched him.

Making him fall back.

And letting me escape.

That was not how I wanted the interaction to go, but it was a start?

Oh well, I'll be seeing him again soon~

Very soon~ 




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