5. Like It Rough

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Needless to say, Spiderman was traumatized. It's been 2 weeks but that sound would not escape his head no matter what.

Was... Was Loki trying to lead him on!? If so it was fucking working!

Just when Spiderman thought he saw the last of him! He was the only hero close enough to the villain who was currently turning goddamn cars into ice cream! He doesn't care how harmless that is, cars are expensive!

He made his dramatic superhero landing and started to speak in a superhero tone. "Loki! Stop what you are doing right now! Or we will do this the hard way!"

"Oh!" He turns around to see him, he smirks. "What may the hard way be~" he let the corner of his lips curve up which made every inch of Spiderman's face, ears, and neck turn red. Luckily his mask was there.

"My foot to your stomach! Call it karma. You know there's an ice cream shop not too far from here." The god huffs. He placed a hand on his hip, that side to lift up slightly. He should not be as hot in that pose in that god damn costume!

"Oh come on, it's a little funny. Is it not?"

"Kind of. But cars are expensive, man!"

"Would you rather have a car or ice cream?" Ok, fair point. But Spiderman did not get to answer when Loki granned a fist full of the frozen treat and threw it at the spider, who dodged but did not dodge the second ice cream ball.

Loki's laughter filled his ear and he gets up dizzily from the cold substance hitting his face.

He shoots a web and which manages to attach to Loki's leg even when he tried to dodge and he pulled him, he falls onto his back and immediately Spiderman makes the jump to stomp on him, but he turns and gets up.

He throws a kick and Spiderman manages to grab his foot, which turned out to be a bad idea for he pulled his leg and kicked him in the face.

Spiderman jumps back and shoots a web which caught on to Loki's hand, he pulls him and manages to make a punch to his face. He kicked him on the side but before a third move, Loki lifted him and threw him away.

Spiderman got up and jumped before getting blasted, he's not letting himself go down too easily this time!

He made a jump then a kick to him, Loki blocked it but did not block the punch to his side in time. It throws him off balance which Spiderman took the chance to kick him in the face.

His helmet fell off and landed far from the two. Loki sits up dizzily. "Give up now?" Loki then disappeared. "Oh not agai-" He didn't get to finish when Loki tackled him from behind.

Spiderman managed to turn to face him and punched him square in the face, he got him pinned to a wall and man he was tired. Seemed Loki was also. His heavy breathing and he stopped moving altogether. Just laying against the wall and Spiderman grabbed the front of his outfit.

"Don't- move." Spiderman didn't think he would get tired so easily. Man, he should have not done that all-nighter to finish a deadline. "Or I'll punch you again," Loki smirked. Spiderman expected some phrase a villain would say, not-

"Kinky, but I'm not really into hitting~" He huffs, as if that wasn't enough- "You could have at least bought me dinner first~" Frozen: like a deer in the headlights, Loki took the opportunity to punch him hard in the face.

When Spiderman looked up, he was gone.




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