6. Ok I Did Not See That Coming...

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I purposely let the Avengers know where I am. Because I know a certain little Spider wanted some answers.

I was quite surprised when he did follow me into the abandoned apartment. I only ran in there to see if he would try to find a way to cut me off, but no. He ran straight for me.

I ran into a room, knowing it would be a dead-end, of course it would be. "Nowhere to run now," The hero said when I turned to him. Little did he know, he was the pray~

"Oh yes, really." I allowed the smile to fall on my lips. I can see the other's spine shiver but tense up. "There's nowhere to escape. Especially for you," My grin grew wider, as I made sure to pronounce every syllable. "Peter Parker."

I watch him start to shake, frozen in place. "H-h-how?" He stuttered. He looked like he might faint. How lovely~

"I am not stupid my dear Spider~" I start to step towards him. "It was easy after a while. I won't get into detail." I stood right in front of him. I chuckle as I can sense the fear from him.

I open my mouth, ready to say one more thing to scare the spider.

Till the floor below us broke.

"Ah!" The hero grabbed me around the waist and shot a wed up. I stared at this. Even after I found out his identity and started to threaten him (and I would have threatened to kill his family if not for the floor), he went out of his way to save me.


That's a first...

Any normal situation I would teleport away or just float, but with how close he was and when the ceiling caved in, making me almost fall out his arm, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I almost screamed and managed to catch it in my throat before I could.

I panicked okay? I know I won't die from this height. Maybe break a bone, but it was a reaction nonetheless... As humiliating as it is to say...

It was all a blur. I haven't realized I closed my eyes till I noticed I was no longer falling.

I opened my eyes. Slowing down my breathing that I did know was quicken, till I could feel my lungs get filled slowly. I felt my feet touch the ground next.

I backed up a bit, not enough for there to be space between our bodies, but so I could look at him. placing my hands at his shoulders. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't think of anything.

So I said nothing.


"Well look who fell for me~" I shut my mouth tightly as I felt my face start to burn. Did- Did he just say that!? I could only stare at him now. No words come to mind. Just that phrase repeating in my head like a broken record.

I felt a hand on my hip which made me twitch, catching a gasp before it could slip. "I know you said you want to rip my mask off, but man without your stupid horn helmet you're so much more kissable."

"Ah-" I tried to say something but nothing came out. I felt my throat grow dry as my face became hotter. I wanted to move my eyes away from his but I couldn't. I tighten my grip on his shoulders, I can feel the lower of my stomach tighten and heat up.

By the Nors why can't I think of anything!?

With no second thought I grabbed the top of his mask and ripped it off. Before he could do anything I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face to mine.

He pushed me till my back hit a wall. He had slammed his hips against mine as his hand slid to my waist. I dug my fingers into his hair and pulled.

I felt the other's hand start to go up my side, making my spine shiver and my ribs just under the touch. Nors I haven't done this for a long time.

His hands slid down and right when I thought he'd stop at my hips only one hand did. The other continued to explore, unexpectedly I gasped, just as my lips parted I felt him thrust into me. "Peter-" I moaned. 

He then backed away from the kiss. I couldn't help but wince but allowed my head to leaned against the wall for a breather. I felt the saliva drip on my chin as I watched him. His blue eyes were so much more prettier up close. His hair falls into his face and I want to dig my hands into them again.

I felt the hands move from my hips to my back, I kept my hands at his shoulders. "You know where Joe's Pizza is?" I title my head. No not really, but I could probably ask the girl where it is.

"Yes. Why?" I can see his eyes lightly slightly.

"Tomorrow. I'm done with work at 7. We can have dinner. Sounds good?"

"Wait..." I raised a brow. Was this a dream? "Are you asking me out?"

"No." My eyes twitched. "Obviously yeah, you said you wanted dinner before I did anything rough to you, didn't you?" I opened my mouth only for nothing to come out. I mean... Fair points I guess... "Is that a yes or no?"

"Uh- th-that is fine with me." Damn it. I stuttered.

"Alright, dress casually. If you come in with a suit I'm going to throw something at you." Oh there was a side of me that wants to do that to fuck with him and hope he would *cough* with me in it. But of course I wouldn't say that out loud.

"Of course. It's a fucking pizza place." I said instead.

"Good." He lets go of me and start to walk off.


What just happened?

"See you tomorrow." I look back to the hero.

"Y-yeah... I-uh..." I cleared my throat.

"You are so cute~" You're lucky you're cute or I would have thrown my knife at you right then and there. Guess he read my mind because he left quickly.

I teleported home. I look to my bed and lay face-first into it.





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