4. "If You Wanted To Come In You Should Have Asked."

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Normally I would teleport into my apartment, because I don't want any of the heros to find out where I live. But today was an exception. In the morning I made a plan to take over the Earth but, surprise surprise, I failed. So I was left very weak.

And of course with my luck, after going into my room to grab out a book to read, I heard something.

When I walked out I saw Spiderman looking over my things. I probably shouldn't have but I went invisible. I know for a fact my brother sent him here. How? Spiderman is not the kind of hero to sneak into someone's place unless he knows for a fact or asked to.

I should have been more careful.

I will be honest once more, I was terrified. Terrified my brother would barge in a minute to take me back. Maybe Spiderman's in there to make sure it's my place. I watched in fear as he looked.

And thank the norms but the slack of his shoulder I could guess he found nothing that made me suspicious. 

He started to look through some of my notebooks and I decided to drop the invisibility and lean comfortably against my wall.

Surprised he never noticed for 10 minutes and 32 seconds and counting! So I spoke up. "You know it's rude to break into people's homes, right?" I watched as all movement stopped from him. Got you.

He turned around, and the same expression (Or should I say pose) he had that night when he saw me as a woman was what he had right then and there. Glad to know he wasn't straight~

I let a side of my lip lift up.

I couldn't stop the sentence to come out next as I continued to watch the speechless Spiderman. "I know I'm lovely to look at, but I would like an answer on why you're here. But I feel like I can guess."

As I start to walk towards him, he gets on guard. "My brother saw me walk in huh?"

"Why are you here? Don't you hate Midgard?" I watch him tense some muscles, ready to fight if needed to.

"I do! I don't want to be here. But I've been basically homeless for the last 20 years, plus it's easier to get a place here. It's cheaper, and only a very small percentage of people know how I look."

"You were homeless?"

Something in me felt, happy? Sad? I-I don't know. My stomach was all warm and tangled while my eyes felt like they could let out a fountain any second. The way his voice dropped and how he actually looked concerned made me feel... 

No, no stop this Loki. To stop myself from showing any emotion I kicked him in the stomach. Guilt started to pool into me but my brain tried to logic through it.

I tried to stomp him but he jumped, and I dodged his kicks.

I found an opening and tackled him to the ground.

We fought, but sadly, in my already weakened state, Spiderman got on top of me. Kinky, but not the situation I hoped we would be in.

"Call Thor." He said. I raised a brow at him as best I could. Was hard to look at him when my face was planted firmly to the floor. His legs pushed me down while his arm took a grip on mine. Making it hard to move.

"Shit." I mumble but not enough to be heard.

"Come in! Quickly! I have Loki d-down!" Fuck- I start to try to squirm out from under him but no luck. "No just- He hung up on me..." Hah!

I try to move once more only to have him push down, digging his knee into my back. Ow. I needed an opening. An opportunity to escape. I stop for a moment to think.


I tried to free myself once more, he pushed down on my back once more and pain shoots through my spine. I felt the noise escape my throat and decided last second to change the pitch and catch it in my throat.

I heard the Spider gasp in fear and felt him get slightly off me. Before he gets to grip my arms again, I pull away and elbow him straight in the stomach.

I teleport away.




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