6 ½. Few Morning Later

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Peter opens his eyes slowly. The light from the window shining through making his eyes much more awake, but also forcing him to close them from the harshness.

Opening his eyes a final time he felt a weight on the side of his chest, and something tickling his chin. Looking down, he sees the sleeping god's head resting on his chest, an arm around his torso while there were visible bite marks on his neck and shoulders. His hair was all over the place while the other arm laid upwards, fingers in his hair.

He looked at the time, it was 8:30. As much as he would love to stay there and watch his sleeping beauty, he should get up.

Peter slowly moved his arm off and gently placed his head onto a pillow, as he got up and put on some clothing. Shorts and t-shirts.

Making his way to the kitchen to make breakfast, he can't help but chuckle at the memories of last night.


"Really? A date? Who's the lucky lady?"

"He's a dude."

"Lucky dude then." Just then, Loki in a black long-sleeved shirt and black jeans that hugged him tightly, walked in.

"Hello Peter. I do hope I did not keep you waiting long." He smirked, as he stood next to him, wrapping his arms around his. His friend whistles from behind the counter.

"How the hell did you get a handsome man like him Peter? How much is he paying you?"

"$20 an hour. 30 if I kiss him." At that, he kissed his cheek. Peter sent him a clear glare which made his friend go into a fit of laughter. 


Peter, not at all knowing what the god would like, made a generic breakfast; eggs, pancakes, and bacon. His mind continues to linger at the date. It was the most normal date he has ever had and it was with the fucking God of Mischief.

The memories continued till it got to some not safe for work. He still has claw marks on his back including some bite marks on his neck which have very clear dry blood. Makes him wonder how Loki looked under the blanket.

With how loud he moaned and gasped he knew he was going hard in the right place. The god praying his name as his voice turns weak and his sentences turned to gibberish. Never knew a god could be so sensitive, which is something Peter was glad he found out.

Honestly he was nervous that he would not do a thing, he was glad he was wrong. Or maybe he didn't and it was all Loki's magic. You know what, it's fine if he doesn't know.

He starts to hear some steps and when he looks over Loki was in a seat. He was wearing one of his buttoned-up shirts, how cute. Peter took note of how he sat more on his legs.

"Morning sleeping beauty~"

"Morning my dear Spider~" Even after last night, he still has the guts to act all cocky and confident. Honestly, Peter wishes he could do that.

"Are you hungry?"

"A bit. Whatever you're making does not smell that bad. Probably won't kill me." Peter made a glare and just as he did he saw a very clear 'heh heh' smile.

"Maybe I should poison it."

"Don't bother, Doctor Doom always failed."

"He tried to poison you?"

"Yeah. Who hasn't?"

"Odin? Thor?" Loki did a laugh that made Peter feel uncomfortable. The hell?

Once the hero was done he lays the food on to the plates and they ate. It was quiet, peaceful, not really chatting up a storm like last night which was fine. Peter never thought he would actually enjoy Loki's company. What is his life?

Once finished Peter puts his and Loki's plate away and when he came back and saw that Loki had stood up, but was not moving.

"Loki? You ok?"

"Y-yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"That was an awful lie, and you're the god of lies!" Loki huffs. Peter rolled his eyes as he started to walk over to him.

Peter puts an arm around his shoulder. "I don't need help. I can walk on my own."

"Then why haven't you already?" Loki groaned as then Peter helped him to the couch.

"Never thought I could experience anything this embarrassing but I found a way to hit a new low. How fun." Peter huffs out a chuckle.

"Did I go too hard?"

"Shut up."

"No, seriously, did I go too hard?"

"No, I will be fine. Normally I would have magic to do everything but I made the mistake of not using any of it." So it was all Peter, without realizing it, Loki had just fed his ego.

"Should I go softer next time?"

"Nah. I could tell you were using your full strength, so any less and I probably wouldn't feel it." Just as quickly Peter's ego was punched. Good to know it was all the Spider powers doing.

Loki layed down, Peter sat near his feet and they watch T.V. Peter decided that he wanted to lay down too. "Move a bit?" Loki does.

"You know there really is not enough room? Right?" Peter then laid on his side but very quickly lifted Loki, lay on his back and laid him on top. "... Ok nevermind." Peter chuckles.

They were like that for a good few hours. Peter had no work that day, so he did not have to worry about anything.

When Loki left and Peter went out to do his Spiderman business, he smiled all day, even when he manages to get shot.

He just hopes Thor does not find out. Or else he would not have a head to smile with.

The End




For Now~

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