It's already 6 am when I woke up and as I do so, I spotted my phone lying on the floor. I got up and check it seeing Beomgyu's message that dad already knew his whereabouts. I open my window letting the morning breeze enter and the sunrise also.
Looking at the other side of my bed where Yeonjun slept last night, he is not there and that is when I notice the door to my balcony open.
"You're early" I greet him as he look back
"Uh yeah, I had a weird dream and it woke me up" he said as I got more curious.
"What is it all about?" I asked and he tries to recall something. "I dream about a woman. She approach me and suddenly cried and she hug me as if I'm her most valuable treasure. It is so weird as I've never seen that woman before but her smiles are so familiar and I'm sure I've seen it before but I just can't recall" he states as I can say he is bothered. " I don't even know why I'm thinking about it but I just can't take it off my mind. Its like it is telling me something" he said as I nod as I also recall one dream I had before when I asked my dad about my mom. I'm in high school.
That didn't go well because when I force my dad to tell me about who my mother was, he just literally stop talking to me asking me to just not to mention it anymore in a scary manner and after that he flew off to another country, not talking to me for two months and trust me after that never did I bring out about my mom again.
"You see speaking of dream, I might also have one that I don't know why I can still remember. I dreamt that I am in front of a golden gate. It was raining so hard that I am freezing and I'm soaked. I tried to ask for help by ringing the golden doorbell. The gates open by itself so I went in. Inside I saw dad but he is so different, he looks younger though. He looks so happy as he plays with a child about one year old. I've never seen him that happy. I tried to call him but I realize he can't see nor hear me. He plays with the child as I watch them. Then the walls starts to fall apart. The child cried as my dad hold him. But a woman screams making my dad loose his hold on the child. The child disappeared and the face of my dad looks do down. He kept calling his son. I was crying the whole time. But what bothers me was that, the child was not me. The boy he's holding was not me and I can't hear my dad calls his name but I'm sure its not my name." I finished and as I look at Yeonjun his face looks so shocked. He is also almost in tears.
"Wow, what does these dreams mean? I mean heck they are so weird. Do you think they are telling us something? Like a future happening? And why the heck can we still remember them?" Yeonjun asked as I laugh and pat his back gesturing him to come in to get ready.
Soobin's dream is just so sad I almost cried. But what intrigued me is about the child. He said how happy his dad was playing with the. child but the child was not him. Then the baby disappeared and the woman's voice disappeared and then he woke up.
"Yeonjun. you OK there?" I heard Soobin call making me realize I've been here in the bathroom for so long.
"Uh yeah I'm done" I answered before fixing my uniform in place. Looking at the mirror, I combed my hair as I also fix my tie.
"Yeonjun, help me out here, my tie got tangled" Soobin called as I smiled to myself.
Soobin, the one and only Choi Soobin always has trouble with his tie. He knows how to tie it but sometimes he just mess it up. Those are few of what I notice about him since we start knowing each other.
Looking again at the mirror, I smiled as I hear Soobin rumble. But as I look at myself, I was taken aback. My smile, my eyes, my lips, they look the same as the woman in my dream. That's why she look so familiar. Because I resemble her.
"Yeonjun?" I was taken away from my thrance when Soobin knocks. Right.
I went out to see a concern Soobin standing at the door.
"You OK? You look pale" he said as I touch my face only to notice how my hands are freezing.
"I'm fine, just thought of my exams" I lied. Don't want to worry him further. He already has a lot in mind.
"OK. Let's get down for breakfast" he called as I stop him. I grab his tie as I fix ut properly making him smile.
We went downstairs for breakfast when I saw someone already in there. He was reading a newspaper and as he lower it down, I froze as I literally hid behind Soobin, he's tall anyway.
"Oh hey dad, you're here" Soobin greeted as the man lower his newspaper and I try to peek. That man right there is Choi JinYang, the one who grants me my scholarship.
"Soobin, good morning. Come now, I asked the maids to prepare your breakfast. I know you're tired and hungry with those papers you have. Beomgyu, Kai and his brother Taehyun will be joining us later for breakfast, I called them. Also your friend, I heard he's my scholar, where is he, uhm Yeonjun?" Mr. Choi asked as Soobin walk closer to sit on a chair making me sit beside him.
"oh hey there" Mr Choi greeted as I look up meeting his eyes as I stood up and bow 90°.
"Hi good morning Mr Choi. I'm Lee Yeonjun. I'm the one you granted a scholarship. I just want to thank you very much for giving me this huge opportunity" I said as he smiled and seem amused.
"Well you're welcome. You deserve it. Never in a million years will I meet someone so intelligent again. And thanks to you Soobin here has someone to be friends with that is his age. He's not that friendly really" he replied as I smiled and take my seat.
"Good morning dad. Oh hey hyung" we heard Beomgyu enter the dining room with the two brothers behind him. Kai and Taehyun bowed as a greeting as they approach the table.
As i sat down, I couldn't help but notice how this table is so elegant and festive yet the distance is quite far. I mean Sir Choi is sitted on the chair at the end of the table and two chairs are vacant on the right side before Beomgyu, Kai and Taehyun. Three empty chairs before Soobin and I.
I can't imagine Soobin sitting here all alone for 19 years dining by himself.
We ate with a comfortable atmosphere but I felt like someone is always fixing their gaze on me. It's not creepy but I felt that whoever is always looking at me is someone who is somewhat shocked to see me.
Beomgyu is so nice. During review he always help me when I don't understand anything. Kai, well I can't say he's bad because he just focus on his own review not even talking to Beomgyu.
The moment I was taken from my mom, I felt very relieved. I felt safe and free. And even if I have had nightmares, which I always do, my legal ( Kai's mom) mom always comfort me.
I know Kai hated me the moment he sees me. Well I don't blame him, who would be happy if someone just pops out of nowhere and declared themself as his brother? I also hate myself due to the fact that I am taking so much attention from my parents. I'm just so weak that's it and I really want to talk to Kai to clear things out. Maybe he will not hate me anymore. I'm wishing sometimes that I am in Beomgyu's place. With that I can also be close to Kai like he is.
If only I can . . . .
OK this chapter is even shorter. I'm sorry.

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔅𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 (✔)
FanfictionLove is a crazy thing but still we search for it. When you thought you found the one but it turns out you're not suppose to be together. Or when you thought you found the one but you can't be together. Main pairings: YeonBin BeomKai Hi this is my...