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It's been a week after the exams and I am beyond relieved. The grades are also out so I am nervous of how my grades come out. I also received messages from Soobin congratulating me in advance and Beomgyu asking for blow out. Kai also wished me luck and Taehyun personally wished me luck.

Mr Choi called me yesterday asking me to tell him about the results making me more nervous. Why is he asking? 

By the way, I am heading towards the electronic bulletin boards. I learn from Soobin that this is where the rankings and grades are shown. There is also a print machine on the side where you tap your I.d and your overall grades will show. It's so crowded right and I know it will be hard for me to see.

"Wow, Choi Soobin as expected ranks first in overall freshman rankings. This average is amazing" I heard one of the students exclaimed as I struggle to have a look. I took out my phone and snap a photo and leave the area as I am squished in.

I zoomed the photo and see the rankings of all the freshman and indeed Soobin ranked first with an amazing average of 97%. Wow he's so amazing. I didn't notice how my mouth is hanging open for a long time. Second place after Soobin is someone from the law area. The future attorney or judge with an average of 95%. But what makes me gawk more is my name on the third place with a 94% as my average. When I check the rankings of my course just beside the overall rankings, I ranked first among all the freshman in my course.

A few minutes later of gawking at my phone, the bell rings signifying lunch time so I slowly walked to the cafeteria where me and the other four hang out for lunch. Still in daze I sat on my usual chair and I am still in daze.

"Yah Yeonjun" 

I snap back to reality after Soobin shook me.

"You OK?" he asked as I nod.

"Congratulations by the way, you did great" he smiled as he pat my back making me smile. Now I can imagine my dad's face after he knew about this.

"You too. Wow, you are so amazing. I always know you are intelligent but I didn't expect to this extent. 97% is so amazing" I exclaimed not hiding my excitement as he laugh.

I'm always amazed at how talented and intelligent he is like there is nothing he don't know. He's brilliant, kind, extraordinary, and he got the face that I can stare at all day - - - - -

Wait, what? 😲

And he is always considerate and selfless. I think everything he has now is well deserved. I just can't help but to admire him. He has everything you could ever ask for.

"You see that was my highest one. I mean I always got 95% before but yeah I didn't know minor subjects will pull me up that much" he said .

"Wow. I can relate here. 94 was like not me. 93 was the best average I can get so far but I manage to have a 94 this time" I said as he laugh and that sounded angelic.

"What was dragging you down anyways?" he asked as I think of those subjects I almost kill for making my grades lower than 93.

"Chemistry and the general subject, Arts. But you know, I owe you a lot on this. If it weren't for you who tutored me on these areas, I wouldn't be able to get third place." I said as he nod.

"Anytime" he said.

"Ehem" we broke from our staring contest when we heard someone and that someone being Kai himself.

"You two look really happy" Kai said as I look down feeling my cheeks heat up. Oh what on Earth?  Did I just blush.?

Oh and guess what my heart is racing, I'm not even tired.

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