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Kai and Beomgyu came crashing in the house making me ran to them as I hug them, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Are you OK? Where have you been?" I asked as I notice Beomgyu's bruised face and Kai's bloodstained shirt that he covered with a coat.

Just seeing the bloodstained shirt of Kai makes my blood run cold.

"Kai" I said and I almost froze when he placed the silenced (gun with a silencer) gun on the table. "What?"

I saw how Taehyun and Yeonjun's eyes widen.

"His stepfather is still out there" Kai said as I pulled him to the side.

"What happen with you two?" I asked Kai as I constantly look at Beomgyu who is at Yeonjun's aid.

"Beomgyu got kidnapped so I saved him. It got violent as guns are involved. I got him and we're fine." Kai answered and I'm left with wide eyes.

"You went there alone? How?" I asked and he just smiled.

"Its a long story" he said as he look at Beomgyu.

"By the way hyung, Taehyun' s stepfather is still out there. How is he?" Kai asked and we look at Taehyun.

"He's shaken when he found out about Beomgyu getting kidnapped. But he's fine now" I answered and Kai went to his aid.

I look back to their place and my eyes landed on him.

I can't help but fall deeper for him even if I found out the truth. Why?

This is so wrong. Loving my own brother in a not brotherly way is very wrong but I can't help myself. I turn back as I wipe my teary eyes.

Why is fate so cruel?

"Soobin" I heard him call and I know he also knows the truth because his voice is very hesitant.

"Yeah?" I asked not looking back.

"Ah. .  . where . . .  where are the first aid kits?" he asked as I walk pass him and went to the other room the grab it.

"Here" I handed it to him as I left and went outside.


I don't know what to feel.

I even don't know how to talk to him.

"Hyung, are you and Soobin hyung having another argument?" Kai asked and I shrug.

"Were fine its just everything is so complicated and I don't know how to approach it" I said as I open the kit and treat Beomgyu's wounds.

I'm actually really shocked when I saw them enter and even Kai is bloody with a gun on hand.

I know I want to know how on Earth Kai manage to have a gun on his hold but Beomgyu having multiple bruises and cuts alerted me. I once thought Kai is wounded as well but he said he's fine.

Taehyun is still receiving messages from his stepfather and he's becoming more and more panicked as time passes.

Soobin he went out after I asked for the kit and I hate to admit but it broke my heart when I saw him talking to me like a stranger. 

Just why? 

Of all the events that can occur in 7 billion people in the world, it just so happen that Soobin and I are brothers.

As I clean the wounds of Beomgyu, we all hear a loud gunshot that emerged from outside making us all frozen in place.

"Hyung" Taehyun said as he held onto his phone which is still flooding with messages from his stepfather.

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔅𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 (✔)Where stories live. Discover now