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Hi, you are probably familiar with me with the times Soobin hyung mentioned me. Well to be honest, I see him as my brother. He is there for me when no one wasn't. He always keeps up with all my antics and even to the point where he almost smack me because of the trouble I cause. I am a rebel and he knows it but he still treats me like a baby.

When we met, I am lonely because my mom who is pregnant at that time had a miscarriage. I want to have a baby brother but he was gone even before I met him. Soobin hyung became the brother I have been asking for and even more. He always plays with me and we always get along well.

Until the day I dreaded so much, my parents had a divorce and I have to live with my mom. My dad is still there which makes me so happy but there comes a time where he didn't show up for so long. I waited but he didn't show up. I still trust him though, I know he will be back to play with me again.

When I am 15 he showed up again after 4 years. I still accept him and we still go out like we always do as a father and son. Soobin hyung never left my side when I need him even if we're apart.

Lately my dad is making it up with me but then when he told me about his other son, I am devastated. I thought all my life I am alone and yet there he is, spending time with his other son who is by the way older than me by months.

He called me that day to meet him and there I saw him, my half brother. He looks like my dad when he's younger. I can clearly see my dad in him making me not question his existence. When dad introduce me to him, I saw he is as shocked as I am. But the difference between us is that how we took in the news. I am disappointed and I dont wanna talk to them but he seems fine. He even asked me if we can be friends.

But that is not what I am feeling angry by now. My dad already set up the room that is supposed to be a guest room to Taehyun's room. BTW my mom took him in again with his son as Taehyun's mom died and we again live in the house near Soobin hyung's. This set up is horrible if you ask me. Taehyun, ever since he set foot here, all he ever did is take my dad's attention. He want to play basketball with him and basically he want to do everything me and my dad used to do. What is worse is my mom is fine with it. I also need my father.

When my dad is away, Taehyun would go to his room and ignore us. He treat my mom differently. He does not want to eat what she cook and always walks pass her. He is not cold towards my mom but he is being a brat. He would say to us to not bother him when he is in his room (the hell I care) and if my mom call him for lunch he would say he already ordered food. The heck, my mom prepared it for him.

My blood is boiling everytime I see him. When he looks towards my direction his look seems like he wants to take my place in wherever I am now. Also during the night, I always woke up to some sound of crying and when I check it, my mom and dad are in his room. And in my case one night I had a nightmare of Soobin hyung dead, they did not even come to me despite my calls. Talk about parenthood.

I am not mad at them it's not their fault but I need some explanation on why they are acting that way toward me and Taehyun .

I felt alone. When I call Soobin hyung he is not picking up making me realize he also has some burdens to bear.

Another day is today and today is orientation. The orientation in our school is always done  when all students are present. Including scholars, athletes and transferees.

I ran downstairs to the dining room where my dad and mom and brother sat.

"I'll be going. I'll go with Soobin hyung" I said and my dad opposed.

"No I will drive you and Taehyun to school. He will be needing your help in the school grounds" my dad said as I roll my eyes making my mom call me out.

"You do it dad. He's your responsibility not mine" I said and leave. When I am out the gates, my stomach growl. Great.

I walk towards the gates of their house as I saw hyung's father on the phone leaving. I wave and he wave back gesturing me to enter.

When I reach the dining room, I saw him eating alone making me sat before him

"What is going on?" he asked looking at me and I shrug getting up and grabbing a plate and filling it with food. I have done this already before hehe.

"I don't want to be with the brother of mine. Can I please go with you to school?" I asked and he smiled ruffling my hair as I stood up to grab some water.

"Of course. You are still not in good terms huh? But it takes time. Don't rush yourself" he said as I smiled as I ate.

We got inside the car as the driver drove away. When we pass my house, I saw dad's car driving out making me roll my eyes again.

"Ah Mr. can we go first to the men's dorm?" Soobin asked his driver as he nod.

"Dorm?" I asked and he shrug motioning me to sit on the passenger's seat. I complied as we drove again.

(The school dorms are not in the campus. Its outside school gates BTW)

I look out as Soobin hyung open the door on the backseat and went to the front gate of the dorm approaching a guy about his age.

Wait he got a new friend? 😭

Then. . . . I will not be his friend anymore?

"Yah Kai don't give me that face. He's Lee Yeonjun a new student and a scholar. He is my friend, oh our friend. You'll like him. Say hi" Soobin hyung told me as I wave at the boy and smiled as I greet him.

Well he is handsome and I feel his good vibes. OK he's cool.


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