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After Soobin left the room, I slowly get up off bed and went outside though I am feeling a bit off.

"Hyung are you alright?" Kai asked as I nod and pat his back.

"Soobin hyung and dad are talking. Do you know what is going on hyung?" Beomgyu asked and I nod as they look at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah. I knew. But wait for them to tell you. I am also shocked when I found out but I think let us wait on their news OK?" I said and the three nod when Taehyun's phone rang so he went to answer it.

After a few more minutes of sitting in the living room, dad and Soobin walk down the stairs as they both look like they cried which is understandable.

"Dad? Hyung? What happened?" Beomgyu asked

"Soobin you want to enlighten them?" Dad asked and Soobin hyung look at Beomgyu with sad eyes before engulfing him in a hug.

"Hyung?" Kai and Taehyun also look confused so I asked them to leave Beomgyu and Soobin first to which they complied.


"Hyung?" I asked as he tighten his hold and I can feel the tears wetting my shirt.

When he finally let go, I look at him as he wipes his tears.

"Wow, I thought I cried enough but seeing you lets out the tears I can't let go" hyung said making me more confused.

"What's the matter?" I asked and he sat down making me follow.

"I am not your biological hyung" he said and my brain froze not processing anything.

"What?" I asked and he smiled as he look at me.

"I am adopted. Dad told me everything I need to know and I want you to know as you are his son and my brother" he said as I hug him, crying.

No. . . .

"Hyung" I cried. "Will you leave us now and look for your real family? But we're family right? Hyung?" I cried and he pat my back and laugh a little.

"Don't worry, you'll always be my baby brother. Yeonjun is here, you still have a hyung. And I will not be gone. Gyu I literally am enrolled in the school you study" he laugh as I laugh as I wipe my tears.

"But you're always here right?" I asked.

Not being biased but he is the hyung I first came to know. No one can replace that but none can replace my Yeonjun hyung either.

"Of course I will still be your hyung. You can always come to me" he said.

"But what if you like your real family better?" I asked and he just pat my shoulders.

"I can't deny the fact that I want to know them but always bear in mind that I am always here as your brother OK? No need to cry over that"

I smiled as I hug him again. I know he might not leave us but what are the odds right?


I stood up as soon as Soobin and Beomgyu come out from the living room.

"Soobin, can we uhm. . . also . . . like talk?" I asked and he looks at me with a questioning face.

"Kai, we'll talk later OK? Taehyun?" Soobin said as he looks at the two brothers.

"Of course hyung" Taehyun said as Soobin went upstairs as I follow.

When we reach his room I sat on the couch as I look at him standing.

"Hyung?" he sat beside me as I look down.

"Will you leave? I mean if ever your family will come to you know get you, will you leave us?" I am still looking down when I heard him sigh.

"I don't know. Dad told me I have a brother. He's the only biological family I have out there. But if ever I will have to go with him, I will always come back. Besides if he's mean, I will leave *laugh*. I am also curious to what he is like" he said and I almost let my tear fell as I recall the dream I had of him where he leaves the house with his suitcase.

"But, what if you like it better with him?" I asked and he looks up.

"Nothing can compare to the life I've come to know here" he replied as a relieved sigh was released by me.
"Why are you asking?" he asked and I froze.

'I just want to know if you won't leave us, me for good'

I want to say that but my lips remained sealed

"You know, I told dad that I like you" he said that and as I look up, he's staring at me.

"how?" I asked.

"I told him how I felt before and until now you know what he said?"

I shook my head.

"He said he knew it. He didnt say anything though since he knew nothing is wrong with it. He also knew to himself that he will soon tell me who am I soon" he is laughing lightly making me smile.


"Hyung may I ask you something?" he asked and I humm.

"I always thought how wrong I am when my feelings didn't change at all even after I found out you're dad's real son. But now I think the reason is because I am really meant to love you this way"

Crap my heart is beating like crazy.

"I want to ask you this again if you let me. Hyung will we go back to what we were before everything started?"

I look up to him and I smiled knowing so well that I want this too.

"You know my answer already Binnie" I said before I grab his neck and clash our lips together.


It's been fifteen minutes since the two went upstairs and we sat here waiting  .

Beomgyu also told us everything he found out today and trust me I am as shocked as my brother since this is very unplanned. I mean everything is happening so fast even faster than Yoongi's rap.


I'm sorry this is so short because schoolwork in the middle of quarantine is lit.

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