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I laid down on my bed in my dorm as I recall the dream i had before. I don't know why but I just can't get it off my mind.

(Quick note guys, the schools are not actually a MAJOR factor in this story)

I tried to get some sleep as I'm tired of today's events. I'm exhausted but just as I am about to fall asleep, my phone rang and I saw it's my dad.

"Hey son, how you doin there?" He asked as I laugh a bit on how energetic he sound. "I'm fine dad. I'm just tired thats all " I answered as he laugh.

"Your mom fell asleep a while ago so she's not here" dad said as I nod.
"Anything bothering you?  You're not typically this quiet" dad added as I recall my dream.

"I had a weird dream that I can't take off my mind" I said and I heard him asking me to tell him.

So I did and after I tell the story about the dream and how similar I look at that woman.

The other line grew silent before I heard my dad telling me that my mom needs something. This is really fishy why can't I just forget the dream ?

Just then my phone rang only to see an unknown number calling me.

"Yes?" I answered as I heard someone clear their throat.

"Yeonjun?" a man asked making me question who on earth is he?

"Yes that's me. May I know who is this please?" I asked politely as Soobin told me one time, if you got a call from an unknown number always be polite no matter if the person means business or just messing with you.

"oh hi, this is Soobin's father. I just want to ask a few bits is that OK?" he asked as I froze.

Crap! My scholarship giver just called me and I don't even know how to react. Like I'm frozen.

"yes sir.  .. .of course" I stuttered making me mentally slap myself.

"OK so I read that you also play sports like my son" he begin and I reply with a yes. "Would you mind if I make you join the team? Soobin said something about you being good at basketball"

I almost jump in delight. I always want to join the varsity and Soobin always want me to join but the coach is not having it. He just won't give me a chance because I came from the "place where sports suck". Seriously even Soobin is mad at him. When will he retire anyway?

"Really? I mean yes sir, I can join. I've been meaning to" I said.

"Please just drop the sir. Just call me Mr Choi or something. I'm glad I gave my support to someone more than just brains" he said.

I'm happy finally I'm gonna join the team officially and seriously I love to play basketball it's just, I cannot enter. After a few more talks about my profile, Mr Choi hang up and with that I remember something.

"My dad really like never care about me. He doesn't even know I play basketball and almost all sports. I know he loves basketball when he's my age that's why I play basketball hoping he will like see me. He never ask me if how am I as  basketball captain or so. Heck he doesn't even know how many times I got injured. He seems to only know my name. It's making me frustrated. Even if he is here he does not say a word. He is just on his phone all day all night."

I remember those words Soobin told me when I watched him play one time. He was so happy because its not only Kai that supports him throughout. I mean he has tons of supporters but I guess someone close to him is so much more for him.

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔅𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 (✔)Where stories live. Discover now